Relay in Honor of James Weaver | May 252020

Mem­bers of the East­man School of Music Organ Depart­ment are orga­niz­ing a long-dis­tance run­ning and walk­ing relay to raise funds for the E. Pow­er Big­gs Schol­ars pro­gram, a pro­gram that facil­i­tates the par­tic­i­pa­tion of out­stand­ing indi­vid­u­als inter­est­ed in the Amer­i­can pipe organ at con­ven­tions of the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. This fundrais­er is in mem­o­ry of Jim Weaver, past CEO of the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety (OHS).

Jim was a beloved mem­ber of the OHS who gave to every­one he met a gen­eros­i­ty of spir­it, kind­ness, and gen­tle demeanor. Through­out his tenure, Jim brought integri­ty and deter­mi­na­tion to the busi­ness of the soci­ety. Jim spear­head­ed the gar­gan­tu­an task of mov­ing the head­quar­ters of the OHS from Rich­mond, Vir­ginia to the estate of Stoneleigh in Vil­lano­va, Penn­syl­va­nia. His efforts also bol­stered the E. Pow­er Big­gs Schol­ars pro­gram into a robust, sus­tain­able oppor­tu­ni­ty for young mem­bers of the pipe organ com­mu­ni­ty. As described by oth­ers, and known by all, Jim Weaver was a true gen­tle­man.”

You are invited to participate in this expression of gratitude for Jim Weaver in two ways: 

1. Donate to the OHS Big­gs Schol­ars Fund. Click this link to be tak­en to the OHS dona­tion page, where secure pay­ments can be made. Your gen­eros­i­ty will help sup­port the mis­sion of the E. Pow­er Big­gs Schol­ars pro­gram, fur­ther­ing the OHS’s com­mit­ment to edu­cat­ing organ­ists and fos­ter­ing schol­ar­ship about his­toric pipe organs in the Unit­ed States.

2. Sign up to run or walk in mem­o­ry of Jim! The fundrais­ing relay will take place on May 25th (Memo­r­i­al Day), between 6am-11pm EST. You may sign up to par­tic­i­pate, via Google Form, by click­ing this link, where you also have the option of telling us your dona­tion amount.

This fundrais­er is not orga­nized or spon­sored by the East­man School of Music or the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety; it is a com­plete­ly stu­dent-led initiative.