Apply for the Program

Scholars Application

Please down­load the Schol­ars Appli­ca­tion, fill it out, save, then upload it in the form on the right.


Program Details

Please down­load the Pro­gram Details.


Days to OHS 2025








Contact the Committee

Application Information

  • Please upload com­plet­ed files to the appli­ca­tion form below. The appli­ca­tion form is avail­able on the left as a fil­l­able PDF.
  • Com­plet­ed Mate­ri­als for Round One are due March 1, 2025 and include:

Stage I. Pre­screen­ing (Due March 1)

  • Please answer the fol­low­ing ques­tions (no more than 500 words for each question): 
      • For which OHS Schol­ars Track are you apply­ing? Per­former, Researcher, Builder/​Designer?
      • Describe your con­nec­tion to this track, present expe­ri­ence, and future aspirations.
      • Where do you see the future of music/​organ head­ing? How specif­i­cal­ly do you intend to sup­port the field?
      • What inter­ests you about the Organ His­tor­i­cal Society?
      • What would you hope to achieve at the end of your time as an OHS Scholar?
      • 200-word biog­ra­phy
  • Résumé or Cur­ricu­lum Vitae (include cur­rent con­tact infor­ma­tion and email address)
  • Sub­mit a video (no longer than 2 min­utes) show­cas­ing your inter­est in the organ (whether performing/​design/​research). Com­plete free­dom in cre­ativ­i­ty is giv­en. This should be more than a lecture/​performance. As the future moves ever more dig­i­tal, con­sid­er a video that would be well-received on social media. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube and an unlist­ed” video link must be pro­vid­ed in the application.
  • $50 Appli­ca­tion Fee, non-refundable

Appli­cants will be noti­fied of next steps by mid-March 2025.