OHS Convention Recordings

These mul­ti­ple-CD sets playable below sur­vey organs in spe­cif­ic Amer­i­can regions. Each fea­tures 17 to as many as 39 organs played by as many organ­ists. The per­for­mances are record­ed dur­ing the annu­al Nation­al Con­ven­tions of the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. Click on each track­list below to see the wide-rang­ing reper­toire, lists of per­form­ers, and organs record­ed on each set.

Down­load the Track­list link below each Album Cov­er of the CD Book­let that has Com­posers, Artists, and Instru­ments being played.

Select the Playlist Tab to hear the full CD set.

Pur­chase these CD’s now from the OHS Cat­a­log or by using the but­tons below each album. A few of these CD sets are no longer available.

Playlist 1988


Playlist 1989
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DURUFLÉ: Med­i­ta­tion Impro­vised by Vierne
Vic­ti­mae Paschali Impro­vised by Tournemire
Jesse E. Eschbach, Organist
1861 Sim­mons & Willcox/​1900 Wm. Schuelke
St. Mary’s Assump­tion Church, New Orleans

ANON: Colo­nial March­es & Three Dances
WESLEY: Larghet­to, Intro­duc­tion and Fuga
James S. Dar­ling, Organist
1837 Erben/​1885 Pilcher
St. Paul’s Epis­co­pal Church, Woodville, Miss.

PERERA: 3 Med­i­ta­tions on Won­drous Love
Don­ald Mess­er, Organist
1885 Hook & Hast­ings, Felic­i­ty Methodist, New Orleans

GUILMANT: March Lift Up Your Heads
James Ham­mann, Organist
1905 Hook-Hast­ings/1981 Red­man Organ Co.
St. Matthew’s Unit­ed Church of Christ, New Orleans

HYMN: The God of Abra­ham Praise” Leoni
W. A. MOZART: Fan­ta­sy in F, K. 608
Lorenz May­cher, organist
1926 E. M. Skin­ner, Tem­ple Sinai, New Orleans

RHEINBERGER: Vision, Op. 156, No. 5
HORATIO PARKER: Mar­cia Religiosa
Ros­alind Mohnsen, Organist
1910 Kil­gen, Park­er Methodist, New Orleans

MAX REGER: Two Pre­ludes on Allein Gott
Ger­ald D. Frank, Organist
1905 Pilch­er, Tem­ple B’Nai Israel, Natchez, Miss.

MICHEELSEN: Toc­ca­ta on Praise to the Lord”
HYMN: Praise to the Lord”
J. Thomas Mitts, Organist
1912 Tellers-Som­mer­hof, Holy Trin­i­ty R. C., New Orleans

GROBE: Dixie’s Land with Bril­liant Variations
WILLIAM BOYCE: Vol­un­tary I
George Boze­man, Organist
1860 – 1886 Pilch­er, Grace Epis­co­pal, St. Fran­cisville, La.

CARL NIELSEN: 8 of 24 Short Preludes
HYMN: Let All Mor­tal Flesh Keep Silence”
Bruce Stevens, Organist
1870 Jar­dine, St. There­sa, New Orleans

EDWIN H. LEMARE: The Bell Scherzo
Fred­er­ick Hohman, organist
1986 Gould­ing & Wood, Christ Church Cathe­dral, Epis., New Orleans

J. S. BACH: Alle­gro from Sonata V in C
Mar­cus G. St. Julien, Organist
1989 Viss­er-Row­land, John Calvin Pres­by­ter­ian, Metairie

HANDEL: Fire­works Music
John Gearhart, Organist
ca. 1880 Jar­dine, Christ Epis., Napoleonville, La.

JOHN K. PAINE: Fan­ta­sy on A Mighty Fortress”
Car­ol Teti, Organist
1907 Hin­ners, Trin­i­ty Meth., New Orleans

EDDY: Fes­ti­val Pre­lude on
SETH BINGHAM: Olivet from 12 Hymn-Preludes
HYMN: Not Alone for Mighty Empire”
Leno­ra McCroskey, Organist
1921 Hin­ners, St. John the Bap­tist R. C., Edgard, La.

MENDELSSOHN: Finale, Sonata VI, Op. 65
Mary Gif­ford Matthys, Organist
1890 Pilch­er, Redeemer Luther­an, Lafayette

JAMES HEWITT: The Fourth of July
Gar­ry John Savoie, Organist
1885 Pilch­er, St. Mar­tin, St. Martinsville

Playlist 1990
Playlist 1991
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Prod­uct Description


24-page book­let with sto­plists, pho­tographs, and his­to­ries of the organs and congregations.

Organ­ists: Susan Arm­strong, Patri­cia Ballinger, Robert Bar­ney, Lloyd Bow­ers, Lawrence K. Bowie, George Boze­man, Michael Britt, Philip T. D. Coop­er, Peter Crisa­ful­li, James S. Dar­ling, J. Michael Grant, Adri De Groot, James Ham­mann, Grant Hellmers, Peg­gy Haas How­ell, Michael Kamin­s­ki, Lorenz May­cher, Mar­i­an Ruhl Met­son, Mar­vin Mills, Ros­alind Mohnsen, Lois Regestein, Bradley Rule, Michael Simp­son, Ann-Elise Smoot, Thomas Spacht, Bruce Stevens.

30 Organs: 1953 — 63 Aeo­lian-Skin­ner, St. Michael & All Angels, Bal­to.; 1923 Austin, St. Matthew’s Luther­an Church, Hanover, Penn.; 1914 Carl Bar­ck­hoff, Woods­boro (Md.) Ev. Luth. Church; 1919 Casa­vant, Charlestown Ret. Com­mu­ni­ty, Catonsville; 1804 Eng­land /​ c.1876 Nie­mann, St. Joseph’s, Taney­town; c.1853 attr. Hen­ry Erben, Holy Evan­ge­lists (Epis.), Bal­ti­more; ca. 1852 attr. Hen­ry Erben, Stone Chapel, West­min­ster; 1897 A. B. Fel­ge­mak­er, Trin­i­ty Luther­an, Taney­town; 1886 Gan­ter & Schu­mach­er, Holy Cross (R. C.), Bal­ti­more; 1887 Hook & Hast­ings, Straw­bridge Unit­ed Meth., Bal­ti­more; 1989 Richard How­ell & Co., Epiphany Epis., Tim­o­ni­um; 1884 Geo. Jar­dine, Mt. de Sales Acad­e­my, Catonsville; 1882 John­son, West­min­ster Pres­by­ter­ian Trust, Bal­ti­more; 1891 John­son, Carter Mem. Ch. of God in Christ, Bal­ti­more; 1881 Hen­ry Nie­mann, St. Leo the Great R. C. , Baltimore;

WORKS: ANONYMOUS: Gen­er­al Washington’s March ANONYMOUS: Fisher’s Horn­pipe RONALD ARNATT: Fan­fare for Organ J. S. BACH: Pre­lude & Fugue in F, BWV 556 SETH BINGHAM: Pre­lude on Rock of Ages ARTHUR BIRD: Impro­visato LÉON BOËLLMANN: Ronde Française; 4 Heures Mys­tiques GEORG BÖHM: Vater unser im Him­mel­re­ich KLAAS BOLT: Improv. on a Theme by Dow­land FRANK BRIDGE: Alle­gro Marziale, Ben Mar­ca­to JOSEPH-GUY-MARIE ROPARTZ: Prière ANTON BRUCKNER: Ada­gio from Sym­pho­ny No. 7 ARTHUR CLIFTON: La Fayette’s Wel­come FRANCOIS COUPERIN: Ron­do from Soeur Monique HUGO DISTLER: Pre­lude; Vari­a­tions on a Folk­song KATHARINE E. LUCKE: Alle­gret­to GEORGE E. WHITING: Con­cert Étude W. EUGENE THAYER: Alle­gro Maestoso C. F. HURLEBUSCH: First Move­ment, Sonata No. 3 ANDRÉ FLEURY: Vari­a­tions sur un Nöel bour­guignon ARTHUR FOOTE: Can­tile­na in G, Op. 71, No. 1 NIELS GADE: Tone Piece No. 1, Op. 22 ALBERTO GINASTERA: Toc­ca­ta, Vil­lan­cio y Fuga ALEXANDRE GUILMANT: Grand Cho­rus in D alla Han­del EDWIN H. LEMARE: Auld Lang Syne PAUL HINDEMITH: Sonata I, 2nd part SIR JOHN STAINER: Ada­gio in E‑flat J. K. PAYNE: Con­cert Vari­a­tions on the Aus­tri­an Hymn SIGFRID KARG-ELERT: La source mys­tique J. KNAEBEL: Somerville Quick-Step ZOLTÁN KODÁLY: Epi­grams 1, 2, 3, 5 ALFRED LEFÉBURE-WÉLY: Réc­it de Haut­bois JACQUES LEMMENS: Fan­fare EDWARD MACDOWELL: Shad­ow Dance FELIX MENDELSSOHN: Sonata III; Sonata IV mvt. 2 GUSTAV MERKEL: Fan­tasie in d; Canon in F‑sharp ANTHONI VAN NOORDT: Psalm 38, Verse 3 BERNARDO PASQUINI: Toc­ca­ta con lo scher­zo del cuc­co ‘’RACHIBALD:’’ Phan­tasm GEORG PHILIPP TELEMANN: Fan­ta­sia I, 8 arr. R. Waller GABRIEL PIERNÉ: Pre­lude JAN PIETERSZOON SWEELINCK: Malle Sij­men JAMES POLLARD: Chan­son Roman­tique PIET POST: Finale, Phan­ta­sy on ‘’Holy, Holy, Holy’’

Playlist 1992
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Prod­uct Description

28-page book­let with sto­plists, pho­tos, and his­to­ries of the organs

40 Per­form­ers: Mar­i­on Ander­son, Susan Arm­strong, Robert Bar­ney, George Boze­man, Leonard Ciampa, Ray Cornils, Gre­go­ry Crow­ell, David Dahl, Robin Din­da, J. Bryan Dyk­er, Jane Edge, Kristin Farmer, Bri­an Franck, Susan Friesen, Kim­ber­ly Ann Hess, Meg Irwin-Bran­don, Bri­an Jones, Rache­len Lien, Stephen Long, Robert K. Love, Lorenz May­cher, Leno­ra McCroskey, Mar­i­an Met­son, Earl Miller, Mar­vin Mills, Ros­alind Mohnsen, Philip Mont­gomery, Frances Nobert, Bar­bara Owen, Charles Page, D. R. M. Paterson.

39 Organs: 1847 E. & G. G. Hook, Com­mu­ni­ty Ch., Stock­ton Springs; 1848 George Stevens, Alfred Parish Church, Alfred; 1848 George Stevens, The First Church, Belfast; 1848 Erben, Turn­er Vil­lage Church, Turn­er; 1850 Wm. B. D. Sim­mons, 2nd Bap­tist, Bow­doin­ham; 1850 E. & G. G. Hook, Com­mu­ni­ty Church, Buck­field; 1854 Rufus John­son, N. Cong. Ch., Groveville, Bux­ton; 1854 E. & G. G. Hook, West­brook U. Meth., Port­land; 1857 George Stevens, 1st Chris­t­ian, New Glouces­ter; 1860 E. & G. G. Hook, St. John’s R.C. Church, Ban­gor; 1861 George Stevens, Cong. Church, Cum­ber­land; 1863 E. & G. G. Hook, Elm St. Cong., Buck­sport; 1866 E. & G. G. Hook, South Parish Cong., Augus­ta; 1867 George Stevens, Bap­tist Church, Blue Hill; 1867 George Stevens, Cen­ter Street Cong., Machias; 1873 George Stevens, 1st Cong., Calais; 1875 L. C. Tilton, Leeds Com­mu­ni­ty Church, Leeds; 1876 E. & G. G. Hook & Hast­ings, 1Universal., Auburn; 1878 George H. Ryder, The Unit­ed Church, Mon­mouth; 1880 S. S. Hamill, 1st Bap­tist, Hal­low­ell; 1883 John­son & Son, Unit­ed Methodist, Saco.

WORKS: ANDRIESSEN: Sonata da Chiesa BEETHOVEN: 3 Pieces for a Mechan­i­cal Organ BOELLMANN: Elé­va­tion, Op. 29, No. 1 BOLCOM: Shall We Gath­er at the Riv­er BUCK: Silent Night CHADWICK: Response; Waltz No. 2 CLARK: Marche au Giron­don COLERIDGE-TAYLOR: Impromp­tu 1 DUBOIS: Fiat Lux; Offer­toire DUNHAM: Sor­tie, Op. 17, No. 2 ELGAR: Ves­per Vol­un­taries, Op. 14, Nos. 34 FAULKES: Can­zone in A minor; March in E‑flat FOOTE: Can­zonet­ta, Op. 71, No. 4 FRYSINGER: Lib­er­ty March GIGOUT: Alle­gret­to GOLDMARK: Bridal Song GRIEG: The Last Spring GUILMANT: Marche Religieuse HANDEL: 2 Pieces from the Fire­works Music HAYDN: Theme & Var.; 3 Pieces for a Clock Organ HESSE: Vari­a­tions on God Save the King HOWELLS: Mas­ter Tallis’s Tes­ta­ment, Psalm Pre­lude Lo, the Poor Cri­eth KARG-ELERT: The Reed-Grown Waters KÉLER-BÉLA: Lust­spiel Ouver­ture, Op. 73 KLICKA: Leg­en­da KREBS: Wer nur den lieben Gott LEFÉBURE-WÉLY: Andan­ti­no LEMMENS: Marche Pon­tif­i­cale MENDELSSOHN: Sonata V in D; Ada­gio fr. Sonata I in F; Andante with Vari­a­tions; Spring Song PAULL: Amer­i­can Wed­ding March PEETERS: Toc­ca­ta (60 Short Pieces) PERRY: Chris­tos Pat­ter­akis POULENC: Suite Française RATHGEBER: Aria Pas­torel­la ROBINSON: Aria SCHUMANN: Abend­lied; Fugue I on BACH SELBY: Fuge or Vol­un­tary STANLEY: Solo for a Ger­man Flute, Op. 1, No. 6 Alle­gro fr. Vol­un­tary in G, Op. 5, No. 8 VERDI: Grand March from Aida VIERNE: Claire de Lune; Scherzet­to & Choral VIERNE: Car­il­lon de Long­pont WEAVER: The Squir­rel C. WESLEY: Vari­a­tions on God Save the King S. WESLEY: Fugue fr. Vol­un­tary in G, Op. 6, No. 9; 12 Short Pieces, Nos. 29 WHITNEY: Toc­ca­ta ZUNDEL: Intro­duc­tion & Fugue in D minor 9 Hymns Still, Still With Thee

Playlist 1993
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Prod­uct Description

Pho­tographs, sto­plists, and his­to­ries of the organs and church­es are includ­ed in 28-page booklet.

32 Per­form­ers:

Dr. Susan Arm­strong, Tim­o­thy Lee Bak­er, George Boze­man, Mar­sha Car­rell, John Courter, Jonathan Crutch­field, Jim­my Culp, pianist, John E. Cum­mins, Jane Edge, Kristin Farmer, Susan R. Friesen, Mary Gif­ford, Janet Hamil­ton, James Ham­mann, Philip T. Hines, Jr., Michael R. Israel, Dr. Boyd M. Jones, II, David Lang, Rache­len Lien, Lorenz May­cher, Ros­alind Mohnsen, Jonathan F. Obland­er, Tim­o­thy J. Oliv­er, Peter V. Picer­no, Lois Regestein, Theodore Reinke, Stephen Schnurr, Bruce Stevens, Mar­i­lyn Kay Stulken, Lynn Thomp­son, F. Antho­ny Thur­man, Ann Col­bert Wade.

32 Organs:

1867 Wm. A. John­son, Win­dle Mem. Aud., Madi­son, IN; 1867 W. Evans & Co., Fourth Ave. Methodist, Louisville; 1878 Hen­ry Pilcher’s Sons, Ver­sailles Pres­by., Ver­sailles; 1879 Koehnken & Grimm, St. John’s UCC, Madi­son, IN; 1886 Carl Bar­ck­hoff, St. Mary’s RC, New Albany, IN; 1889 Louis Van Din­ter, St. Frances of Rome RC, Louisville; 1890 Koehnken & Grimm, Pis­gah Pres­by., Wood­ford Co.; 1893 Koehnken & Grimm, Ascen­sion RC, Louisville; 1894 Far­rand & Votey, St. Mar­tin of Tours RC, Louisville; 1895 H. Pilcher’s Sons, St. Mary Mag­dalen RC, Louisville; 1897 The Votey Organ Co., St. Pius RC, Troy, IN; 1897 Hook and Hast­ings, St. John’s Epis­co­pal, Ver­sailles; 1898 J. H. & C. S. Odell & Co., Okolona Bap­tist, Louisville; 1898 Edmund Giesecke, St. Boni­face RC, Ful­da, IN; 1899 Aug. Prante & Sons, St. Philip Neri RC, Louisville; 1900 H. Pilcher’s Sons, St. Antho­ny RC, St. Antho­ny, IN; 1900 A.B. Fel­ge­mak­er, First Bap­tist, Madi­son, IN; 1905 Wis­con­sin Pipe Organ Fac­to­ry, St. Cecilia’s RC, Louisville; 1908 Hen­ry Pilcher’s Sons, DeHaven Bap­tist, LaGrange; 1912 Hin­ners, Chapel, St. Antho­ny Med­ical Cen­ter, Louisville; 1920 Æolian Co., U. of Ky. Con­fer­ence Cen­ter, Lex­ing­ton; 1925 Skin­ner Organ Co., Cen­tral Bap­tist, Lex­ing­ton; 1927 Austin, First Church of Christ, Sci­en­tist, Louisville; 1929 Hen­ry Pilcher’s Sons, Memo­r­i­al Audi­to­ri­um, Louisville; 1933 Hen­ry Pilcher’s Sons, St. Peter’s UCC, Louisville; 1937 Hen­ry Pilcher’s Sons, Clifton Bap­tist, Louisville; 1938 Aeo­lian-Skin­ner, St. Andrew’s Epis­co­pal, Louisville; 1980 Miller Organ Co., St. Joseph Pro­to-Cathe­dral, Bard­stown; 1985 Stein­er-Reck, Louisville Pres­by. Sem­i­nary, Louisville; 1986 Noack, St. Fran­cis of Assisi RCC, Louisville; 1966 – 67 Rev. Eugene Ward, Monastery Church, Ferdinand.


ARNE: Organ Solo from Con­cer­to No. 1; C. P. E. BACH: Sonata V; BANCHIERI: Sec­on­do Dial­o­go; BELLANDO: Grand March in B‑flat major; BENOIT: Ele­va­tion, No. 30; BOÉLY: Fan­taisie and Fugue in B‑flat; BONNET: Lied des Chrysan­thèmes; BOSSI: Ave Maria, Op. 104, No. 2; BRAHMS: Fugue in A‑flat minor; BUCK: The Last Rose of Sum­mer; CALLAHAN: Par­ti­ta on Ein fest Burg; CHAMINADE: Offer­toire (la Madone); CHERWIEN: Hymn Inter­pret: Beach Spring; CLOKEY: Fire­side Fan­cies, Op. 29; CLOKEY: An Old Irish Air The Lit­tle Red Lark; CORRELL: Homage to Per­sichet­ti; DEBUSSY: Prélude à l’Aprè-midi faune; DEMAREST: Fan­taisie; ELGAR: Chan­son de nuit, Op. 15, No. 1; GRIEG: Åses Tod (from Peer Gynt Suite I); GUILMANT: Funer­al March & Hymn of Ser­aphs; GUILMANT: Sonata No. 1, Op. 42: III. Final; HALL & KLEINKAUF: John­son Rag; HAYDN: Andante; HINDEMITH: Sonata II: 1. Leb­haft; HOVHANESS: Dawn Hymn, Op. 138; JOHNSON: Trum­pet Tune; JONGEN: Three Pieces; KARG-ELERT: Church Can­ta­ta: b. Aria; KARG-ELERT: O God, Thou Faith­ful God; KAYSER: Par­ti­ta on Resonet in laudibus; LANGLAIS: Can­zona (Suite Folk­lorique); LINDSAY: Home­ward Bound; MARTIN: Sun­set to Sun­rise (Kedron); MASSENET: ‘’Med­i­ta­tion’’ from Thaïs MENDELSSOHN: Sonata 4 in B‑flat major; OLDROYD: Prayer; RHEINBERGER: Fughet­ta on BACH; RHEINBERGER: Mono­logue, Op. 162, No. 1; ROBINSON: Chorale: When in Our Music; SAINT-SAENS: Pre­lude and Fugue in E‑flat; THAYER: Alle­gro Maestoso & Fugue on Amer­i­ca; VALERI: Sonata IV; VAUGHAN WILLIAMS: Pre­lude on Hyfry­dol; WAGNER/​LEMARE: Ride of the Walküren; WOOD: Pre­lude on Pisgah.

6 Hymns:

We Know That Christ is Raised; Sing Alleluia Forth; Lord, Enthroned in Heav­en­ly Splen­dor; A Mighty Fortress; Lord, Whose Love in Hum­ble Ser­vice; O Praise Ye the Lord.

Playlist 1994
Playlist 2002
Playlist 2005
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Prod­uct Description

Pho­tographs, sto­plists, biogra­phies, and his­to­ries of the organs are includ­ed in a 32-page booklet.

38 Per­form­ers: Leo Abbott, William Aylesworth, Robert Bar­ney, Mark Bigh­ley, Kevin Birch, Mar­garet Irwin-Bran­don, Mark Brom­baugh, Gre­go­ry Crow­ell, John Cum­mins, David Dahl, Mark Dwyer, Lynn Edwards, Don­ald K. Fel­lows, Will Headlee, Kim­ber­ly Ann Hess, Richard W. Hill, Bri­an Jones, Glen Kime, Charles Krig­baum, Rache­len Lien, Joan Lip­pin­cott, Stephen Long, Lorenz May­cher, Mar­vin Mills, Ros­alind Mohnsen, R. Walden Moore, Thomas Mur­ray, Murray/​Lohuis Duo, John Ogas­api­an, Christa Rakich, Dana Robinson.

35 Organs: 1823 Thomas Hall, Trin­i­ty Epis­co­pal, Litch­field; 1827 Apple­ton, 2nd Con­gre­ga­tion­al, Mid­dle Had­dam; 1833 F. S. Whit­ing, St. Pauls Epis­co­pal, Otis; 1836 Deni­son Smith, Hamp­ton Cong. UCC, Hamp­ton; c. 1840 anon., Hitch­cock Muse­um, River­ton; 1852 E. & G. G. Hook, Unit­ed C. of West­ville, New Haven; c. 1853 attrib. to Geo. Stevens, Fed­er­at­ed Church, Brook­lyn; 1857 E.L. Hol­brook, St. Pauls Epis­co­pal, Wind­ham Cen­ter; 1868 Steer & Turn­er, St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel, Storrs; 1868 J. H. & C. S. Odell, Der­by Methodist, Der­by; 1869 John­son, Greenville Con­gre­ga­tion­al, Nor­wich; 1870 E. & G. G. Hook, The Unit­ed Church of Ston­ing­ton; 1870 Wm. B.D. Sim­mons, Grace/​St. Peters,Hamden; 1871 E. & G. G. Hook, St, Marys RC, New Haven; 1873 John­son, Cong. C of Thomp­son, UCC, Thomp­son; 1874 E. & G. G. Hook & Hast­ings, St. Casimirs, New Haven; 1874 Steer & Turn­er, St. Josephs RCC, Willi­man­tic; 1875 E. L. Hol­brook, The Cong. C in Killing­worth, UCC; 1876 Jar­dine, St. Pauls Epis­co­pal, New Haven; 1890 Geo. H. Ryder, St. Fran­cis RC, Nau­gatuck; 1892 John­son, Sacred Heart RC, Waterbury.

WORKS: AHRENS: Lobe den Her­ren, BACH: Ach Herr, mich armen Sün­der, C. P. E. BACH: Sonata in G Minor, J. C. BACH: Duet­to in F, BEACH: Invo­ca­tion, BECKEL: Open­ing Vol­un­tary, BUCK: The Star Span­gled Ban­ner, BUXTEHUDE: Toc­ca­ta in D Minor, CONTE: Pas­torale, DEMESSIEUX: Two Pieces, DIEMER: Two Folk Hymn Sketch­es, DUPRÉ: Sketch in B‑flat Minor, ELGAR: Car­il­lon, ELGAR: Nim­rod, FLETCHER: Fes­ti­val Toc­ca­ta, FOOTE: Med­i­ta­tion, GHERARDESCHI: Ron­do I, HOLST: Jupiter The Plan­ets, HOMILIUS: Three Chorales, HOWELLS: Minia­tures for Organ, HOWELLS: Psalm Pre­lude, Op. 32/​1, IVES: Vari­a­tions on Amer­i­ca, LISZT: St. Fran­cis Walk­ing on the Water, MENDELSSOHN: Sonata II, MITCHELL: Toc­ca­ta, MULET: Tu es Petra, PAINE: The Star Span­gled Ban­ner, PARRY: Toc­ca­ta and Fugue, REGER: Fan­tasie & Fugue in D Minor, RINCK: Chris­tus, der ist mein Leben, SCHUMANN: Canon in A‑flat major, SHELLEY: Berceuse, SOWERBY: In Dul­ci Jubi­lo, STANLEY: Vol­un­tary VIII, SWEELINCK: Puer Nobis Nasc­i­tur, THAYER: Vari­a­tions: the Russ­ian Hymn, VIDERØ: Built on a Rock, VIERNE: Postlude, WAGNER: Liebestod, WALOND: Vol­un­tary, Op. 1, No. 5, WHITING: Alle­gro con moto, WIDOR: Alle­gro (Sym­pho­ny VI), WIDOR: Pre­lude (Sym­pho­ny II), WORK: Come Home, Father.

10 Hymns: Holy Ghost, Dis­pel Our Sad­ness; O God, Beneath Thy Guid­ing Hand; Amaz­ing Grace; And Did Those Feet; Jerusalem, My Hap­py Home; Praise the Lord, Ye Heavns Adore Him; Lord of All Being, Throned Afar; Praise, My Soul, the King of Heav­en; All Praise To Thee; New Songs of Cel­e­bra­tion Render.

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Prod­uct Description

Includes a 32-page book­let with sto­plists and pho­tos of the organs.


Com­pact Disc 1
The Star Span­gled Banner
C. M. Widor: Mar­cia, from Sym­phonie III
William Aylesworth, organist
1875 E. & G.G. Hook & Hast­ings, Scot­tish Rite Cathe­dral, Chicago

J. P. Sweel­inck: Onder een linde groen
Jason Alden, organist
1879 G. F. Stein­mey­er, Holy Fam­i­ly Catholic Church, Chicago

L. W. Moline: Inter­mez­zo, from Sonata II
P. P. Bliss: Impromptu
P. P. Bliss: Hymn: Won­der­ful Words of Life
Robert Wood­worth, organist
1910 Hutch­ings Organ Co.
Saint Mary Catholic Church, Wood­stock, Illinois

S. Bing­ham: Toc­ca­ta on Leoni
Hymn: The God of Abra­ham Praise
Will Headlee, organist
1930 Rudolph Wurl­itzer Man­u­fac­tur­ing Co.
Tem­ple Sholom, Chicago

H. M. Wild: Andante
Mary, Gif­ford, organist
1911 Hin­ners Organ Co.
Zion Unit­ed Church of Christ, Car­pen­tersville, Illinois

F. Fer­ko: Toc­ca­ta and Fugue on Saint Anne”
Derek Nick­els, organist
1928 Skin­ner Organ Co.
Uni­ver­si­ty Church, Dis­ci­ples of Christ/​United Church of Christ, Chicago

M. Greene: Vol­un­tary in C
Fred­er­ick L. Beal, organist
1903 Burling­ton Pipe Organ Co.
Liv­ing Sanc­tu­ary of Faith, Church of God in Christ, Oak Park, Illinois

N. Bruhns: Prae­ludi­um in e minor
John Gouwens, organist
1959 Schlick­er Organ Co./1996 Dob­son Pipe Organ Builders
Chapel of the Res­ur­rec­tion, Val­paraiso Uni­ver­si­ty, Val­paraiso, Indiana

G. Merkel: Fan­tasie im Freiem Stile No. 4 in e minor (Op. 133)
James Ham­mann, organist
1920 W. W. Kim­ball, Saint Mary of the Angels Catholic Church, Chicago

E. DeLa­marter: Flour­ish, from Suite for Organ
R. G. Cole: A Song of Grat­i­tude (Op. 34, No. 21919)
M. Sim­mons: Pre­lude on a Melody by Sowerby
John W. W. Sher­er, organist
1930 M. P. Möller, Epworth Unit­ed Methodist Church, Chicago

Com­pact Disc 2
F. Borows­ki: Sonata I (1904)
Thomas Mur­ray, organist
1922 Skin­ner Organ Co.
Saint Luke Epis­co­pal Church, Evanston, Illinois

J. S. Bach: In dul­ci jubi­lo (BWV 608)
J. S. Bach: Wenn wir in höch­sten Nöten sein (BWV 641)
Thomas Brown: Hymn: Christ Leads!
Thomas Brown, organist
1963 Casa­vant Frères, Limitée
Saint Mary of the Lake Catholic Church, Gary, Indiana

W. H. Clarke: Pas­torale in A
H. W. Park­er: Pas­toral Inter­lude (Op. 32, No. 4)
B. Carr: Vari­a­tions to the Sicil­ian Hymn
Susan Wern­er Friesen, organist
1904 Wis­con­sin Pipe Organ Fac­to­ry, Saint Mary Catholic Church, Buf­fa­lo Grove, Illinois

C. Schu­mann: Pre­lude and Fugue in d minor (Op. 16, No. 3)
M. Dupré: Pre­lude and Fugue in f minor
Christa Rakich, organist
1916 W. W. Kim­ball, Arts Cen­ter of Oak Park, Oak Park, Illinois

J. Bon­net: Vari­a­tions de Con­cert (Op. 11908)
Hymn: The Church’s One Foundation
Bri­an Har­low, organist
1927 Skin­ner Organ Co.
First Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church, Evanston, Illinois

D. Buck: Grand Sonata in E‑flat (Op. 22)
David Schrad­er, organist
1883 John­son & Son, St. Paul Catholic Church, Chapel of Mary, Queen of the Apos­tles, Val­paraiso, Indiana

Com­pact Disc 3
H. Willan: Intro­duc­tion, Pas­sacaglia and Fugue
Ken Cow­an, organist
Wurl­itzer, et al.
Jasper and Mar­i­an San­fil­ip­po res­i­dence, Bar­ring­ton Hills, Illinois

E. Gigout: Scherzo
James Rus­sell Brown, organist
1891 Lan­cashire-Mar­shall Organ Co.
Good Shep­herd Luther­an Church, Chicago

G. T. Thal­ben-Ball: Elegy
F. Mendelssohn: Alle­gro mod­er­a­to maestoso
David Dahl, organist
1891 Frank Roo­sevelt, Saint James Catholic Church, Chicago

W. Walond: Vol­un­tary in d minor
J. Alcock: Siciliano
C. Avi­son: Vol­un­tary in D
Ruth Tweet­en, organist
1905 Lyon & Healy, Saint Andrew Epis­co­pal Church, Evanston, Illinois

Charles-Marie Widor: Sym­phonie III in e minor (op. 13, No. 3)
Dana Robin­son, organist
1902 Lyon & Healy, Basil­i­ca of Our Lady of Sor­rows, Chicago

Hymn: O, for a Thou­sand Tongues to Sing
T. Dubois: Fiat lux
Eliz­a­beth Naegele, organist
1906 Austin Organ Co., Saint Paul Com­mu­ni­ty Church, Chicago

C. Eddy: Fes­ti­val Pre­lude and Fugue on Old Hun­dred” (1879)
A. Guil­mant: Two Pieces (Op. 90)
Nao­mi Row­ley, organist
1882 Steere & Turn­er, Pull­man Unit­ed Methodist Church, Chicago

F. Mendelssohn: War March of the Priests from Athalie (Op. 74)
Michael Shaw­go, organist
1930 Æolian Co., Dis­ci­ples Divin­i­ty House, Chicago

H. W. Davies: Solemn Melody
Hymn: Praise to God, Immor­tal Praise
Tim­o­thy Smith, organist
1909 Louis H. Van Din­ter & Sons, Holy Trin­i­ty Catholic Church, Chicago

L. Sower­by: Pre­lude on Deus Tuo­rum Militum
Jonathan Hall, organist
1954 Aeo­lian-Skin­ner Organ Co.
Saint John Evan­gel­i­cal Luther­an Church, For­est Park, Illinois

Com­pact Disc 4
M. Duru­flé: Suite (Op. 51934)
Peter Sykes, organist
1927 W. W. Kim­ball, First Bap­tist Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church, Chicago

R. Bibl: Vision from Sechs charak­ter­stücke für orgel (Op. 64)
MaryAnn Crugher Bal­duf, organist
c. 1885 Emil Witzmann
Saint John Unit­ed Church of Christ, Pala­tine, Illinois

W. Albright: Sweet Six­teenths – A Con­cert Rag for Organ
R. Bit­good: On an Ancient Alleluia
Sal­ly Cher­ring­ton Beg­gs, organist
1892 George S. Hutch­ings, Saint Joseph Catholic Church, Chicago

J. Brahms: O wie selig seid ihr doch, ihr From­men (Op. 22);
O Gott, du from­mer Gott (Op. 22)
Hymn: Sleep­ers, Wake!
Chris­tine Mar­shall Krae­mer, organist
1888 John­son & Son, Lin­coln Park Pres­by­ter­ian Church, Chicago

J. S. Bach: O Men­sch, bewein dein’ Sünde gross
Philip Gehring, organist
1974 Lawrence Phelps & Associates
Saint Paul Evan­gel­i­cal Luther­an Church, Skok­ie, Illinois

G. Schu­mann: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern;
Macht hoch die Tür, die Tor macht weit
Kristin Farmer, organist
1898 Lyon & Healy, Lake View Pres­by­ter­ian Church, Chicago

W. A. Mozart: Over­ture in C (K. 399)
A. Dvo­rak: Pre­lude and Fugue in D
Gre­go­ry Crow­ell, organist
1871 Steer & Turn­er, Saint Paul Epis­co­pal Church, La Porte, Indiana

C. A. Havens: Offer­toire in g minor (Op. 194)
C. Eddy: Pre­lude and Fugue in a minor
Stephen Schnurr, organist
1891 Frank Roo­sevelt, First Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church, Michi­gan City, Indiana

More information…
Prod­uct Description

The Record­ings from the Splen­did 2005 OHS Convention!

This diverse 4‑CD col­lec­tion fea­tures stel­lar per­for­mances by 37 dif­fer­ent organ­ists. More than just a memen­to of the con­ven­tion, this is an impor­tant doc­u­men­ta­tion of many his­toric organs that have nev­er before been record­ed. Be among the first to own this treasury!

The includ­ed book­let describes each track in much detail, giv­ing infor­ma­tion about each per­former, the organ being played, and composers.

Track List­ing

Disc 1
1 H. Alexan­der Matthews: A Song of the Sea
2 Edward Mac­dow­ell: Sea Pieces, Op. 55
3 Hymn: O God Beneath Thy Guid­ing Hand
Bri­an Jones, organist

4 Sear­le Wright: Lyric Rhapsody
Peter Krasin­s­ki, organist

5 George W. Chad­wick: Response
6 Eubie Blake: The Bal­ti­more Todolo
Cheryl Drewes, organist

7 Oliv­er Shaw: Wel­come the Nation’s Guest
Thomas W. D. Guthrie, organist

8 – 10 Kevin J. Sad­ows­ki: Chorale, Aria, Toccata
Mar­i­an Ruhl Met­son, organist

11 Hen­ry M. Dun­ham: Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele, Op. 20, No. 2
Steven Young, organist

12 F. Scot­son Clark: Fes­tal March
Richard Hill, organist

13 – 19 Klaas Bolt: Vari­aties over Ont­waak, gij die slaapt, Chorale & 6 Vari­a­tions on a melody by J.G. Bastiaans
Kevin Birch, organist

20 – 22 Josef Rhein­berg­er: Sonata No. 13 (3 movements)
Bruce Stevens, organist

Disc 2
1 Joseph Jon­gen: Petit Pre­lude in G Minor (Aria)
2 Edouard Batiste: Ele­va­tion No. 2 in C Minor
Kim­ber­ly Ann Hess, organist

3 Kevin Kissinger: Celeste
Kevin Kissinger, organist

4 Padre Davide da Berg­amo: Sonati­na per offer­to­rio e postcommunio
Mark Stein­bach, organist

5 Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Har­monies du Soir, Op. 72, no. 1
Lorenz May­cher, organist

6 Samuel Tay­lor Coleridge: Elegy
7 Samuel Adler: Deep in Our Hearts from Hymnset
Sharon Rose Pfeif­fer, organist

8 Arthur Foote: Pre­lude, Op. 50, no. 5
David Chalmers, organist

9 – 11 Philip Moore: Three Pieces for Withycombe
12 Johann Pachel­bel: Hexa­cordi­um Appolinis
Judith Con­rad, organist

13 Hymn: Let There Be Light”
14 Cyril Jenk­ins: Dawn
Dwight Thomas, organist

15 Charles-Marie Widor: Scher­zo, Sym­pho­ny No. 4
George Boze­man, organist

16 John Weaver: Sine Nomine
Ray Cornils, organist

17 – 18 Andrew Galus­ka: Impro­vi­sa­tions on Salve Regina
Andrew Galus­ka, organist

Disc 3
1 Charles Wes­ley: God Save the King with Variations
Bar­bara Owen, organist

2 Giro­lamo Fres­cobal­di: Toc­ca­ta per l’El­e­vazione from Mes­sa Degli Apostoli
3 Hymn: Winds Be Still”
Frances Conover Fitch, organist

4 CPE Bach: Fan­tasie und Fuge c moll, WQ 119/​7
5 Theodore Dubois: Fiat Lux
Robert Bar­ney, organist

6 Johannes Brahms: O Gott, du from­mer Gott
7 Daniel Pinkham: March 24, St. Gabriel from Sain­t’s Days
Lois Regestein, organist

8 Philip Jones: Tokyo fr. Asian Praise
9 Alfred V. Fedak: The Kings­fold Trum­pet fr. A Col­lec­tion of Hymns
Philip Jones, organist

10 Joseph Jon­gen: Chorale, Op. 37, no 4.
11 Hymn: Glo­ri­ous things of Thee are spoken”
Will Headlee, organist

12 Jacques-Nico­las Lem­mens: Cantabile
13 George Whit­ing: Postlude, Op. 53
Ros­alind Mohnsen, organist

14 – 15 Per­cy W. Whit­lock: Ply­mouth Suite
Joseph O’Donnell,organist

16 Hymn: O, God We Thank You”
17 – 19 Gabriel Pierne: Trois Pieces, Op. 29
Thomas Mur­ray, organist

Disc 4
1 Giles Farn­a­by: Pawles Wharfe
Tim­o­thy Drewes, organist

2 – 3 From Amer­i­can Church Organ Vol­un­taries: No. 23 Mod­er­a­to in G, No. 6 All­gro in D Major
Joyce Painter Rice, organist

4 – 18 Camille Saint-Saens: Car­ni­val of the Animals
Tim­o­thy Smith, organist

19 – 24 Dud­ley Buck: Con­cert Vari­a­tions on The Star Span­gled Banner
Christo­pher Marks, organist

25 Felix Borows­ki: Andante from Sonata No. 1
Renea Walig­o­ra, organist

26 – 30 Piet Post: Intro­duc­tion & Vari­a­tions on Nicea
31 Hymn: Bring, O Morn, Thy Music”
Fred­er­ick Louis Jodry, organist

32 – 34 James Wood­man: Abide With Me
35 Hymn: Abide with Me Eventide
36 Eugene Gigout: Pre­lude, Chorale & Allegro
Peter Sykes, organist

Playlist 1995
Playlist 2000
Playlist 2008