Special Collections

Explore col­lec­tion guides, find­ing aids, and records to locate mate­r­i­al in the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Archive.

Print­ed mate­ri­als are housed in cli­mate con­trolled rooms at Stoneleigh, the for­mer estate of the Haas Fam­i­ly in Vil­lano­va, Penn­syl­va­nia, as well as our off-site repos­i­to­ry in Warmin­ster. Spe­cial Col­lec­tions pri­mar­i­ly con­sists of the archives and busi­ness records of numer­ous Amer­i­can organ builders.

Processed Spe­cial Col­lec­tions may be con­sult­ed by appoint­ment in the OHS Library at Stoneleigh. Scans of processed mate­ri­als may also be request­ed by inter­li­brary loan or by con­tact­ing the archivist direct­ly via phone or email. Access to unprocessed Spe­cial Col­lec­tions is restrict­ed. The staff pri­or­i­tizes pro­cess­ing of col­lec­tions based on user inter­est, instruc­tion­al and pro­gram­ming demand, and resource and staffing availability.

Library Database

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety lend­ing library holds an exten­sive col­lec­tion of books, peri­od­i­cals, micro­form, dis­ser­ta­tions and many oth­er items about organs, organ build­ing, organ­ists, and organ music. Most items may be accessed either in per­son or through your own local library through inter­li­brary loan (ILL). The Librar­i­an may be able to pro­vide scanned mate­r­i­al via email upon request. For ques­tions about this process or oth­er inquiries, please reach out to the OHS Librar­i­an by phone or the email list­ed on the webpage.

To search our library data­base of books, peri­od­i­cals, archival items, col­lec­tions and more, please vis­it our Online Cat­a­log (OPAC).

OHS Library and Archives
330 North Spring Mill Road
Vil­lano­va, PA 19085 – 1737
(484) 488-PIPE (7473)


The OHS Mission Statement

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety cel­ebrates, pre­serves, and stud­ies the pipe organ in Amer­i­ca in all its his­toric styles, through re­search, edu­ca­tion, ad­vocacy, and music.

The Organ Historical Society

330 North Spring Mill Road
Vil­lano­va, PA 19085 – 1737
(484) 488-PIPE (7473)