The OHS Press
Mission Statement
The OHS Press has been established by the Organ Historical Society for the advancement and dissemination of scholarship about the organ, its music, literature, cultural contexts, and performance. We consider for publication scholarly works about the organ, and musical editions, regardless of commercial viability and directed both to the specialist and the general reader.
Outline of Manuscript Track from Submission to Publication
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Book Proposal
- The submission form, available on OHS website, is completed and sent with the requisite supporting manuscript materials, (indicated on the form), to the Director of Publications (DOP).
- Director of Publications distributes the submission package to the Editorial Review Board for consideration. If the Board rejects the proposal, for whatever reason, the materials will be returned to the author by the DOP. If the proposal is accepted for further consideration by the OHS Press, the author will be informed of the decision promptly. If accepted for further consideration, the proposal will then follow the track for Manuscript Submission.
Manuscript Submission
- The author will be requested to submit two copies of the completed manuscript, double spaced (for editorial commentary) to the DOP. The DOP will select two or more blind readers for peer review of the manuscript. These readers will be selected for their expertise in a particular subject area. The identity of the readers will not be made known to the author. The readers will make editorial commentary and these comments will be distributed to the author and the Board, by the DOP. The Board will make a determination at this time that the manuscript be rejected, or they will issue a continued expression of interest, and the manuscript will proceed to step two. The author may elect to incorporate the suggestions or reject them.
- The revised manuscript, incorporating the first round of suggestions will be sent to the DOP, for distribution to a second round of blind readers. The readers may recommend a second round of revisions which will be distributed to the Board and the author. The Board may also reject the manuscript at this stage or recommend that the manuscript is ready to proceed to publication.
- A manuscript accepted for publication by the Board, will be turned over to the Director of Publications, for line by line editing in consultation with the author.
- Once the editing is completed, a contract will be negotiated with the author, either by the Director of Publications or the Executive Director of the Organ Historical Society.
- The manuscript will proceed to the printing and bindery houses.