OHS 2025 - Milwaukee

OHS 2025


Seat­ed on the beau­ti­ful shore of Lake Michi­gan, Mil­wau­kee is the largest met­ro­pol­i­tan area in Wis­con­sin and the 30th largest city in the Unit­ed States.

Equal­ly as diverse and even more intrigu­ing is the land­scape of won­der­ful instru­ments that we plan to show­case dur­ing the convention.

Edoar­do Bel­lot­ti plays the Ital­ian organ at the Memo­r­i­al Art Gallery, dur­ing the 2018 Rochester convention.

Our Conventions

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety cel­e­brates the pipe organ each year through a con­ven­tion fea­tur­ing instru­ments of his­tor­i­cal inter­est in one loca­tion in North Amer­i­ca. The pipe organ com­mu­ni­ty gath­ers at these con­ven­tions for fel­low­ship, recitals, lec­tures, and to sam­ple the local cul­ture and archi­tec­ture. In many instances, the work of a local organ­builder (recent or his­tor­i­cal) is high­light­ed. Non-mem­bers are very wel­come to attend, although mem­bers receive a sig­nif­i­cant dis­count on reg­is­tra­tion, so we encour­age atten­dees to join. The E. Pow­er Big­gs Schol­ar­ship can pro­vide fund­ing for first-time atten­dees of OHS conventions.

Host a Convention

Are you proud of the his­toric pipe organs in your area? Would you like to share them with the rest of the OHS membership?

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety is seek­ing pro­pos­als to host con­ven­tions in the future, and we would love to come vis­it! If you’ve ever want­ed to show off the organs in your area to the rest of the OHS mem­ber­ship, this is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty. As a first step, please con­tact the CEO, Ed McCall to start a con­ver­sa­tion about the pos­si­bil­i­ty of host­ing. After this, an ini­tial pro­pos­al will need to have a pre­lim­i­nary list of organs to vis­it and a pre­lim­i­nary itin­er­ary, as well as a list of peo­ple who would be will­ing to serve on a con­ven­tion committee. For com­plete infor­ma­tion on host­ing a con­ven­tion, please down­load the con­ven­tion guide­lines here:



The OHS Mission Statement

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety cel­ebrates, pre­serves, and stud­ies the pipe organ in Amer­i­ca in all its his­toric styles, through re­search, edu­ca­tion, ad­vocacy, and music.

The Organ Historical Society

330 North Spring Mill Road
Vil­lano­va, PA 19085 – 1737
(484) 488-PIPE (7473)