Current OHS Biggs Scholars

About the Scholars Program

The OHS Big­gs Schol­ars Pro­gram of the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety is lead­ing the way in career devel­op­ment for excep­tion­al new tal­ent, with spe­cif­ic focus giv­en to fields of organ per­form­ers, his­tor­i­cal research, and organ builders/​designers. The intent of the pro­gram is to lever­age the OHS com­mu­ni­ty and resources to equip the next gen­er­a­tion with nec­es­sary tools for a suc­cess­ful career.

The award is a 3‑year engage­ment, includ­ing finan­cial sup­port for three con­sec­u­tive nation­al con­ven­tions dur­ing the sum­mer and pro­fes­sion­al sup­port with a vari­ety of mid-year events.

2024 Scholars

Rebecca Ehren

Rebecca Ehren


Rebec­ca Ehren is an organ­ist, pianist, music direc­tor, and sopra­no from Ottawa, Cana­da. She recent­ly began as Music Direc­tor at the Church of the Epiphany, on New York City’s Upper East Side, where she man­ages all litur­gi­cal music and con­certs. Pre­vi­ous­ly she served as Organ Schol­ar at Wash­ing­ton Nation­al Cathe­dral where she assist­ed in all aspects of the music pro­gram. Rebec­ca dis­cov­ered the organ while singing in the pro­fes­sion­al choir at Church of Our Sav­iour in New York City. She began stud­ies with Dr. Ray­mond Nagem and then com­plet­ed a master’s degree at Yale’s Insti­tute of Sacred Music. Pri­or to her Nation­al Cathe­dral appoint­ment, she held posi­tions at Grace Church (NYC), St. Michael’s Epis­co­pal Church (NYC), and the Uni­ver­si­ty Church in Yale. A pianist for most of her life, Rebec­ca holds a bachelor’s degree in piano from Indi­ana Uni­ver­si­ty and is an Asso­ciate of the Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry of Music (Toron­to). She also reg­u­lar­ly sings sopra­no in pro­fes­sion­al ensem­bles and was in the cho­rus for the 2021 Gram­my-win­ning record­ing of Eth­yl Smyth’s The Prison with the Expe­ri­en­tial Orches­tra. Beyond per­form­ing, Rebec­ca has served as the Chair of the Board of Direc­tors for C4: The Choral Com­pos­er Con­duc­tor Col­lec­tive and holds a sec­ond under­grad­u­ate degree from Indi­ana Uni­ver­si­ty in cog­ni­tive sci­ence and mathematics/​economics. www​.rebec​ca​ehren​.com

Mary-Katherine Fletcher

Mary-Katherine Fletcher


Mary-Kather­ine Fletch­er is the direc­tor of music and organ­ist at St. Fran­cis Xavier Parish in Acush­net, MA. She received her Bach­e­lor of Arts degree in music from Bridge­wa­ter State Uni­ver­si­ty, where she orig­i­nal­ly stud­ied the piano as her pri­ma­ry instru­ment.  The deci­sion to take just one semes­ter of organ lessons” at BSU led to the dis­cov­ery of her pas­sion for the organ, which she then stud­ied for three years with Dr. Steven Young. Mary-Kather­ine is now in her final semes­ter of pur­su­ing a Mas­ter of Sacred Music degree from Boston Uni­ver­si­ty, study­ing the organ with Peter Sykes.  She has per­formed through­out New Eng­land in loca­tions includ­ing King’s Chapel (Boston,) the Basil­i­ca of Sts. Peter and Paul (Lewis­ton, ME,) Trin­i­ty Church (Boston,) Old West Church (Boston,) and St. John’s (Ban­gor, ME.)  

Tracey Webber

Tracey Webber


Tracey Webber’s musi­cal career began in fifth grade play­ing the clar­inet, and even though she was unable to read music, she was quick to play by ear. After switch­ing to bas­soon in sev­enth grade, she con­tin­ued to excel, par­tic­i­pat­ing in sev­er­al hon­or band fes­ti­vals, includ­ing the Region­al Hon­ors Band, Dis­trict Hon­ors Band, All-City Orches­tra, Woost­er Sum­mer Band, and the All-Ohio State Fair Band. In high school, Tracey played the bari­tone in march­ing band while con­tin­u­ing with the bas­soon in con­cert band, pit-band, and orches­tra. After high school, Tracey’s musi­cal pur­suits expand­ed to include singing, join­ing Sweet Ade­lines Inter­na­tion­al, and per­form­ing with two cho­rus­es and a region­al com­pet­ing quar­tet. She also joined her church Chan­cel Choir and Can­ti­cle Bell Choir, and still loves them both sev­en years lat­er. She grad­u­at­ed from Cleve­land State Uni­ver­si­ty in 2021 with a BA in Music with a voice pri­ma­ry and a Minor in Psy­chol­o­gy. Unsure where to go from there, she end­ed up work­ing in the med­ical field for a year as a med­ical assis­tant. She was quick­ly drawn back into the music world. With the sup­port of her church choir direc­tor, Tracey pur­sued organ tech­ni­cian appren­tice pro­grams. After an encour­ag­ing response from Holtkamp, who decid­ed to reopen their pro­gram for her, she began work as a tech­ni­cian appren­tice and hasn’t looked back!

Isabella Wu

Isabella Wu


Isabel­la Isza Wu is the Charles and Judith Frey­er Fel­low at the Cur­tis Insti­tute of Music, where she is pur­su­ing her master’s degree in Organ Per­for­mance. Isabel­la cur­rent­ly serves as an assis­tant organ­ist at Macy’s Wana­mak­er Organ, and as the organ schol­ar at St. Clements Epis­co­pal Church in Philadel­phia. Isabel­la has per­formed at many venues, includ­ing Long­wood Gar­dens, Ocean Grove Audi­to­ri­um (NJ), Over­ture Hall (Madi­son WI), St. Luke’s Epis­co­pal Church and Alice Mil­lar Chapel (Evanston IL), and Christ Church (Philadel­phia). As a com­mu­ni­ty artist, Isabel­la has been involved with edu­ca­tion pro­grams at the Madi­son Sym­pho­ny Orches­tra, The People’s Music School (Chica­go), Acad­e­my of Music and Spe­cial Edu­ca­tion (North­west­ern), and Madi­son Music Mak­ers. She cur­rent­ly works with patients with ear­ly-onset Alzheimer’s as a Teach­ing Artist at Penn Mem­o­ry Cen­ter (Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia) through a part­ner­ship with the Cur­tis Insti­tute of Music. She is the recip­i­ent of two Bachelor’s degrees from North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty, in Piano Per­for­mance and Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Stud­ies, respec­tive­ly, and also com­plet­ed an ad hoc major in Sacred Music. Isabel­la is a stu­dent of Alan Mor­ri­son at Cur­tis, where she also stud­ies harp­si­chord with Leon Schel­hase, and impro­vi­sa­tion with Jef­frey Brill­hart. 

2023 Scholars

Annamarie Collins

Annamarie Collins


Anna­marie Collins is the senior organ schol­ar at St. Luke’s Epis­co­pal Church in Evanston, Illi­nois, as well as an under­grad­u­ate at North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty, earn­ing degrees in piano per­for­mance and bio­med­ical engineering.

Hail­ing from Philadel­phia, Penn­syl­va­nia, she was inspired by her fam­i­ly’s exten­sive involve­ment in church music, espe­cial­ly by her organ­ist grand­fa­ther and pianist grand­moth­er. At St. Luke’s, Ms. Collins is involved in play­ing for ser­vices, assist­ing with instruc­tion of younger cho­ris­ters, and cul­ti­vat­ing her skills in choral and organ music. In par­tic­u­lar, she is pas­sion­ate about musi­cal edu­ca­tion and shar­ing the music of com­posers from under­rep­re­sent­ed groups. Out­side of music, she has per­formed can­cer research in the Depart­ment of Bio­chem­istry and Mol­e­c­u­lar Genet­ics at the Fein­berg School of Med­i­cine, and is focus­ing on bio­ma­te­ri­als and regen­er­a­tive med­i­cine through her bio­med­ical degree. Ms. Collins enjoys play­ing ulti­mate fris­bee, trav­el­ing, sci fi and fan­ta­sy, and music of all kinds. She is hon­ored to be an OHS Big­gs Schol­ar in the class of 2023!

Lindsey Johnson

Lindsey Johnson


Lind­sey John­son, a native of Fort Worth, Texas, is a pas­sion­ate and accom­plished musi­cian with a rich back­ground in organ per­for­mance. In 2020, Lind­sey com­plet­ed her Bach­e­lor’s Degree in Organ Per­for­mance under the guid­ance of Dr. Devon Howard. Eager to fur­ther hone her skills, she came to Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty in 2021 to pur­sue a Mas­ter’s pro­gram in Organ Per­for­mance, study­ing with the esteemed Dr. Kim­ber­ly Mar­shall. Through­out her aca­d­e­m­ic jour­ney, Lind­sey has active­ly engaged in var­i­ous musi­cal soci­eties, such as the Soci­ety of Women Organ­ists, Ari­zona Wom­en’s Col­lab­o­ra­tive, and the Amer­i­can Guild of Organ­ists. Notably, she has ded­i­cat­ed her tal­ents to serv­ing on the Amer­i­can Guild of Organ­ists Nation­al Young Organ­ist Committee for three con­sec­u­tive terms and earned the pres­ti­gious title of Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Big­gs Schol­ar for a three-year term. After obtain­ing her Mas­ter’s degree in May 2023, Lind­sey’s aca­d­e­m­ic pur­suits con­tin­ued as she was accept­ed to the Ph.D. pro­gram for Musi­col­o­gy at Ari­zona State Uni­ver­si­ty, con­cur­rent­ly serv­ing as a TA. Her research focus­es on ear­ly Span­ish key­board music and gen­der stud­ies, explor­ing the pro­found impact of women on the key­board cul­ture of the Span­ish Baroque. When not busy prac­tic­ing or prepar­ing music, Lind­sey enjoys rock climb­ing, read­ing, and spend­ing time with her adorable black cat, Aries. Lind­sey John­son is ded­i­cat­ed to mak­ing mean­ing­ful con­tri­bu­tions to both con­gre­ga­tion and com­mu­ni­ty through shar­ing music and research.

Sol Rizzato

Sol Rizzato


Equal­ly com­fort­able in the roles of organ tech­ni­cian, organ­ist, and church musi­cian, Sol Riz­za­to (They/​He) cur­rent­ly serves as a lead ser­vice tech­ni­cian, design­er, and voicer at the Muller Pipe Organ  Com­pa­ny in Cro­ton, Ohio. Their work as an organ tech­ni­cian has tak­en them to near­ly 550 instru­ments across 18 states and 9 coun­tries. Sol con­tin­ues to lead work­shops on pipe organ main­te­nance at the state and nation­al lev­els, and while in the Muller shop, they work with train­ing new tech­ni­cians in tun­ing and ser­vice tech­niques. Sol holds full, Reg­u­lar mem­ber­ship in the Amer­i­can Insti­tute of Organ­builders and the Col­league cer­ti­fi­ca­tion with the Amer­i­can Guild of Organ­ists. Sol also serves as the Direc­tor of Wor­ship and the Arts at Wash­ing­ton Avenue Chris­t­ian Church (Dis­ci­ples of Christ) in Elyr­ia, Ohio. They grad­u­at­ed from the Cleve­land Insti­tute of Music with a Mas­ter of Music (Organ Per­for­mance) in May2023, where they stud­ied with Todd Wil­son. Pri­or to their time in Ohio, Sol received a Bach­e­lor of Music (2020, Organ Per­for­mance) and Bach­e­lor of Musi­cal Arts (2019, Vio­la Per­for­mance) from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Okla­homa. Due to their back­ground as a vio­list, they have a par­tic­u­lar love for orches­tral tran­scrip­tions and the the­atre organ. In Jan­u­ary 2024, Sol began part-time course­work at the Methodist The­o­log­i­cal School in Ohio towards a Mas­ter of Divin­i­ty with the goal of pur­su­ing ordi­na­tion in the Chris­t­ian Church (Dis­ci­ples of Christ). Com­ing from a fam­i­ly of social work­ers, Sol has a par­tic­u­lar pas­sion for pas­toral coun­sel­ing and min­istry in the queer com­mu­ni­ty. They enjoy spend­ing time with friends, weightlift­ing, the sport of fenc­ing, paint­ing, and vis­it­ing their home city of Chica­go, IL.

Edith Yam

Edith Yam


Aus­tralian-born Edith Yam is fin­ish­ing her Doc­tor of Musi­cal Arts degree at the East­man School of Music in Rochester, NY where she stud­ies organ with Prof. David Hig­gs. She also serves as his teach­ing assis­tant, and has taught sec­ondary organ. Edith’s DMA lec­ture-recital was on nine­teenth-cen­tu­ry per­for­mance prac­tice, which she also had the priv­i­lege to present at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michigan’s 63rd Annu­al Organ Con­fer­ence. Edith holds a Bach­e­lor of Music degree (with First Class Hon­ours) from the Syd­ney Con­ser­va­to­ri­um of Music where she stud­ied with Philip Swan­ton. Fur­ther stud­ies have tak­en Edith to Europe where she com­plet­ed an exchange semes­ter dur­ing her under­grad­u­ate years at the Hochschule für Kün­ste in Bre­men where she stud­ied with Klaus Eich­horn, and a Master’s degree from the Con­ser­va­to­ri­um van Ams­ter­dam where she stud­ied with Pieter van Dijk and Matthias Havin­ga. Edith has played in mas­ter­class­es includ­ing those of Jacques van Oort­merssen, Louis Robil­liard, Loren­zo Ghiel­mi, Michel Bou­vard, Olivi­er Latry, and Arvid Gast. Edith cur­rent­ly serves as Organist/​Director of Music at St. John the Evan­ge­list in Spencer­port, and teach­es low­er school music at St. John Bosco Schools in East Rochester. She was also recent­ly invit­ed to per­form in Methuen, MA for their 2024 sum­mer series.