Kalei­do­scope of Colors

Order your Program Book

NOW REDUCED TO ORDER FOR $20, this is the com­plete Pro­gram Book for Sum­mer 2021’s KALEIDOSCOPE OF COLORS, a vir­tu­al Con­ven­tion over five Sun­days in August that each fea­tured three instru­ments — a total of 15 pipe organs across the USA. Book includes full-col­or pho­tos, well-researched essays on each instru­ment, per­form­ers’ biogra­phies as well their com­plete, imag­i­na­tive pro­grams designed for each instru­ment, and infor­ma­tion cov­er­ing three cen­turies of pipe organ build­ing in the USA.

Watch the Series

As of March 222021


Organ Sup­ply Industry

Kegg Organs


Albu­querque AGO Chapter

Buf­fa­lo AGO Chapter

Dob­son Pipe Organs

Inde­pen­dent Con­cert Artists

WindW­erk Artists


Buzard Pipe Organs

Casa­vant Organs

Festival Information

Select an Image to Enlarge

Kalei­do­scope Ad

Download our Print Ad

This High Res­o­lu­tion print ad includes an overview of much of the infor­ma­tion you will want to know. It includes infor­ma­tion and pho­tos of all artists and instruments:

  • Mas­ter of Ceremonies
  • Per­form­ers
  • Instru­ments and Venues
  • Dates of Events

Download the PDF

Fes­ti­val Ad



Kalei­do­scope 2021 Playlist

Enjoy all of our Programs

Select the Video Playlist” icon on the upper right of the video play­er to select an episode.



Contact the Kaleidoscope of Colors

12 + 14 =

Thomas Apple­ton (1830) • Met­ro­pol­i­tan Muse­um of Art • New York City