2024 Media Kit

Advertising Info for 2024

We are delight­ed to share with you the 2024 Media Kit with every hope that you will find a mean­ing­ful way to sup­port OHS while mak­ing your brand known across the country.

A good rela­tion­ship is when some­one accepts, sup­ports, and encour­ages your dreams.

Our his­to­ry is filled not just with won­der­ful books, archival mate­r­i­al and ephemera, not just a fas­ci­nat­ing and use­ful Pipe Organ Data­base, but with the inter­ac­tion of pipe organ lovers whose pas­sion has allowed us to be where we are today — a Soci­ety of over 2500+ mem­bers com­mit­ted to cel­e­brate, pre­serve, and study the pipe organ in Amer­i­ca in all its his­toric styles, through research, edu­ca­tion, advo­ca­cy, and music.

At OHS, we are busy arrang­ing for an array of new ini­tia­tives, which serve to enhance the mem­ber com­mu­ni­ty and expe­ri­ence. You will see an expand­ed Track­er jour­nal, a well-main­tained data­base, and the launch of our month­ly newslet­ter OH!  It is all a part of our motto:

Hon­or­ing the past, enrich­ing the present, curat­ing the future!

The down­load­able PDF explains the vari­ety of ways you can sup­port OHS and adver­tise your busi­ness or product.

Thank you for choos­ing to adver­tise with the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety this com­ing year.


The OHS Nation­al Staff


The OHS Mission Statement

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety cel­ebrates, pre­serves, and stud­ies the pipe organ in Amer­i­ca in all its his­toric styles, through re­search, edu­ca­tion, ad­vocacy, and music.

The Organ Historical Society

330 North Spring Mill Road
Vil­lano­va, PA 19085 – 1737
(484) 488-PIPE (7473)