The Symphonic Organ at Stoneleigh
An Aeolian-Skinner Celebration
October 13 — 15, 2019
About the Symposium
Firmly established at our national headquarters on the Stoneleigh Estate in Villanova, Pennsylvania, the Organ Historical Society is pleased to present its inaugural Symposium celebrating E.M. Skinner and his contribution to the organ world. As a centerpiece, the Symposium will feature Aeolian-Skinner Opus 878, designed in 1931 as a residence organ now fully installed into the house at Stoneleigh. A prestigious panel of experts on Skinner organs has been assembled to delight and inspire attendees.
An examination of the residential organ, the glories of E.M. Skinner instruments, and a reveling in the sound of Opus 878 are just a few of the Symposium’s goals. Attendees will be treated to recitals on the instrument, a master class for Curtis Institute students and a presentation of paper player rolls. The concluding recital presented by Nathan Laube takes place at Girard College, Opus 871, the largest Skinner in the Philadelphia region and the fifth largest organ in the city.
Performers & Speakers
- Jack Bethards
- Jeffrey Dexter
- Joseph Dzeda
- Nathan Laube
- Anne Laver
- Thomas Murray
- Andy Nehrbas
- Bynum Petty
- John Schwandt
- Rollin Smith
- Nicholas Thompson-Allen
Hotel Information
A block of rooms has been reserved at a conference rate of $159 per night for single/double rooms until September 16, 2019 at the Radnor Hotel (591 E. Lancaster Ave, Wayne, PA 19087), 1.8 miles from Stoneleigh. Shuttle bus transfers will be provided and the cost is included with registration. The $159 rate is available online only at by using Code 57916. If phoning direct to 800.537.3000, they should refer to Organ Historical Society block.
OHS gratefully acknowledges major funding from the Joseph G. Bradley Charitable Foundation as well as from Mozingo Endowment of the Indianapolis Chapter of the AGO, and Special Projects of the San Francisco Chapter of the AGO.
If you prefer, you may download a printable and mailable registration form here.