James M. Weaver
1937 – 2020

It is with deep sad­ness that we announce the pass­ing of Jim Weaver, past CEO of the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. Jim was a beloved mem­ber of the Soci­ety who gave to every­one he met a gen­eros­i­ty of spir­it, kind­ness, and gen­tle demeanor. Through­out his tenure, Jim brought integri­ty and deter­mi­na­tion to the busi­ness of the Soci­ety. Jim spear­head­ed the gar­gan­tu­an task of mov­ing the head­quar­ters of the OHS from Rich­mond, Vir­ginia to the estate and grounds of Stoneleigh in Vil­lano­va, Penn­syl­va­nia. His efforts also bol­stered the E. Pow­er Big­gs Schol­ars pro­gram into a robust, sus­tain­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty for young mem­bers of the pipe organ com­mu­ni­ty. As described by oth­ers, and known by all, Jim Weaver was a true gen­tle­man”. On behalf of the Board of Direc­tors and the thou­sands of OHS mem­bers, we send our con­do­lences to Sam Bak­er and all of Jim’s fam­i­ly members.

In lieu of flow­ers, you may wish to make a dona­tion to the E. Pow­er Big­gs Schol­ars Pro­gram in Jim’s mem­o­ry. You may make your dona­tion here.