Welcome to the première episode of OHSLA TODAY, an insider’s look at the vast collection of the Organ Historical Society. Hosted by our Chief Librarian and Archivist, Bynum Petty, each month will feature rare gems and items of great interest to the members of the OHS and organ enthusiasts alike. Share with your friends and be sure to tune in each month!
OHS Catalog Offering
Cochereau: Raretés et Inédits
OHS is very excited to offer this new, comprehensive set of 19 cds and 1 dvd from Solstice Recordings in Paris, chronicling the professional work of organist Pierre Cochereau, who served as Titular organist at Notre-Dame de Paris from 1955 – 1984.

Support the OHS
Support our wonderful programs.
OHS Annual
Fund Drive
Help support operating expenses of OHS programs and services.

Sustaining Membership
Join Today!
The OHS is pleased to offer a Sustaining Member category. For as little as $10 per month, you can support the OHS grow stronger and more responsive to the pipe organ community. OHS and you – sustaining a lifetime of history.
OHS News
Breaking News
OHSLA List of Books and Pamphlets Needed
OHSLA List of Books and Pamphlets Needed
Download a PDF of this list from the OHSLA.
The Hunt for Rare Organ Books
Columbus Convention Postponed to 2022
OHS 2020 Convention
Postponed until 2022
After lengthy and careful negotiations, the OHS and the Hilton Columbus Hotel have agreed to postpone the 2020 convention, pushing back to 2022. We are most grateful to their management team for coming to these terms without penalty to the OHS. Each person who registered for the convention has been contacted by telephone and/or email regarding this issue.
New OHS Phone Number 484.488.PIPE (7473)
As of March 1, 2019 OHS has a brand new telephone number to reflect our residency in Pennsylvania. While the old number will work for a while, please take note:
484.488.PIPE (7473). Four foots and eight foots with no mixtures but it works!
Youth Advisory Panel Gets Underway
Youth Advisory Panel Gets Underway
Read their first letter to the membership.
The Organ Historical Society announces a Research Grant
The Organ Historical Society announces a Research Grant. Applications are due by November 1, 2020. Click here for details about the application process.
Upcoming Events
The Tracker
OHS publishes its journal four times a year. The Tracker includes news and articles about the organ and its history, organbuilders, exemplary organs, regional surveys of instruments, and the music played on the organ. The emphasis is on American organ topics of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, and there are occasional articles on European topics. Most issues run 48 pages with many illustrations and photographs.
Dear Friend of the Organ –
A New Opportunity
Think about the pleasure you will receive in offering an OHS membership to a friend or relative. You can share your love of the pipe organ and introduce someone else to the good works of the Society in educating, preserving and chronicling our rich organ heritage and culture. Memberships make splendid gifts. The recipient will receive a subscription to our quarterly magazine, The Tracker, a special gift and all the benefits of membership, including members’ prices on many items in the OHS Catalog.

The OHS Mission Statement
The Organ Historical Society celebrates, preserves, and studies the pipe organ in America in all its historic styles, through research, education, advocacy, and music.
The Organ Historical Society
330 North Spring Mill Road
Villanova, PA 19085 – 1737
(484) 488-PIPE (7473)