Wel­come to the pre­mière episode of OHSLA TODAY, an insid­er’s look at the vast col­lec­tion of the Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. Host­ed by our Chief Librar­i­an and Archivist, Bynum Pet­ty, each month will fea­ture rare gems and items of great inter­est to the mem­bers of the OHS and organ enthu­si­asts alike. Share with your friends and be sure to tune in each month!

OHS Cat­a­log Offering

Cochereau: Raretés et Inédits

OHS is very excit­ed to offer this new, com­pre­hen­sive set of 19 cds and 1 dvd from Sol­stice Record­ings in Paris, chron­i­cling the pro­fes­sion­al work of organ­ist Pierre Cochere­au, who served as Tit­u­lar organ­ist at Notre-Dame de Paris from 1955 – 1984.

Support the OHS

Support the OHS

Sup­port our won­der­ful programs.


OHS Annual
Fund Drive

Help sup­port oper­at­ing expens­es of OHS pro­grams and services.

Sustaining Membership

Sustaining Membership

Join Today!

The OHS is pleased to offer a Sus­tain­ing Mem­ber cat­e­go­ry.  For as lit­tle as $10 per month, you can sup­port the OHS grow stronger and more respon­sive to the pipe organ com­mu­ni­ty.  OHS and you – sus­tain­ing a life­time of history.

Big Things
Are Happening!

Celebrate the

of the OHS Catalog

OHS News


Breaking News

OHSLA List of Books and Pamphlets Needed

OHSLA List of Books and Pamphlets Needed

Down­load a PDF of this list from the OHSLA.

Down­load the PDF now.

The Hunt for Rare Organ Books

The Hunt for Rare Organ Books

Down­load a PDF of these book from the OHSLA.

Down­load the PDF now.

Columbus Convention Postponed to 2022

OHS 2020 Convention
Postponed until 2022

After lengthy and care­ful nego­ti­a­tions, the OHS and the Hilton Colum­bus Hotel have agreed to post­pone the 2020 con­ven­tion, push­ing back to 2022. We are most grate­ful to their man­age­ment team for com­ing to these terms with­out penal­ty to the OHS. Each per­son who reg­is­tered for the con­ven­tion has been con­tact­ed by tele­phone and/​or email regard­ing this issue.


New OHS Phone Number 484.488.PIPE (7473)

As of March 1, 2019 OHS has a brand new tele­phone num­ber to reflect our res­i­den­cy in Penn­syl­va­nia.  While the old num­ber will work for a while, please take note:

484.488.PIPE (7473). Four foots and eight foots with no mix­tures but it works!


Youth Advisory Panel Gets Underway

Youth Advisory Panel Gets Underway

Read their first let­ter to the membership.


The Organ Historical Society announces a Research Grant

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety announces a Research Grant.  Appli­ca­tions are due by Novem­ber 1, 2020.  Click here for details about the appli­ca­tion process.


Current Month

Upcoming Events

The Tracker

OHS pub­lish­es its jour­nal four times a year. The Track­er includes news and arti­cles about the organ and its his­to­ry, organ­builders, exem­plary organs, region­al sur­veys of instru­ments, and the music played on the organ. The empha­sis is on Amer­i­can organ top­ics of the 18th, 19th, and 20th cen­turies, and there are occa­sion­al arti­cles on Euro­pean top­ics. Most issues run 48 pages with many illus­tra­tions and photographs.

Dear Friend of the Organ –
A New Opportunity

Think about the plea­sure you will receive in offer­ing an OHS mem­ber­ship to a friend or rel­a­tive. You can share your love of the pipe organ and intro­duce some­one else to the good works of the Soci­ety in edu­cat­ing, pre­serv­ing and chron­i­cling our rich organ her­itage and cul­ture. Mem­ber­ships make splen­did gifts. The recip­i­ent will receive a sub­scrip­tion to our quar­ter­ly mag­a­zine, The Track­er, a spe­cial gift and all the ben­e­fits of mem­ber­ship, includ­ing mem­bers’ prices on many items in the OHS Catalog.

The OHS Mission Statement

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety cel­ebrates, pre­serves, and stud­ies the pipe organ in Amer­i­ca in all its his­toric styles, through re­search, edu­ca­tion, ad­vocacy, and music.

The Organ Historical Society

330 North Spring Mill Road
Vil­lano­va, PA 19085 – 1737
(484) 488-PIPE (7473)