2024 Pipe Organ Calendar

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OHS 2024 — Baltimore

Fea­tur­ing nev­er-before-pub­lished con­ven­tion instru­ment pho­tos from Bal­ti­more and the sur­round­ing region.

Pho­tog­ra­phy by Len Levasseur



  • Andover Organ Company
  • Thomas Hall/​Hilborne L. Roosevelt/​Schantz Organ Co.
  • George Jar­dine & Son
  • Casa­vant Frères
  • Gan­ter and Schumacher
  • J.H. & C.S. Odell
  • Hen­ry Niemann
  • John­son & Son/​Andover Organ Company
  • Skin­ner Organ Company
  • Hilborne L. Roosevelt

Previous Pipe Organ Calendars

Down­load PDF’s of our Con­ven­tion Calendars

Down­load the 2013 Cal­en­dar

Down­load the 2014 Cal­en­dar

Down­load the 2015 Cal­en­dar

Down­load the 2016 Cal­en­dar

Down­load the 2017 Cal­en­dar

Down­load the 2018 Cal­en­dar

Down­load the 2019 Cal­en­dar

Down­load the 2020 Cal­en­dar

Down­load the 2021 Cal­en­dar