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You should receive a response to your Mem­ber­ship Sub­mit­tal with­in a few days from the OHS Main Office. If you would like con­fir­ma­tion of this trans­ac­tion, please feel free to con­tact the office at:


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Stay tuned for our new 2018 Con­ven­tion Calendar!

The OHS Mission Statement

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety cel­ebrates, pre­serves, and stud­ies the pipe organ in Amer­i­ca in all its his­toric styles, through re­search, edu­ca­tion, ad­vocacy, and music.

The Organ Historical Society

330 North Spring Mill Road
Vil­lano­va, PA 19085 – 1737
(484) 488-PIPE (7473)