2019 E.P. Big­gs Schol­ars at the Builders Work­shop in Dallas

2019 E.P. Big­gs Schol­ars Alum­ni Recital


E. Power Biggs Scholarship
2020 Columbus Performance

The 2020 Colum­bus Big­gs Per­for­mance will fea­ture one 30-minute recital with three Big­gs par­tic­i­pants from 2019 Dal­las con­ven­tion who will each play for 8 – 9 min­utes. We sin­cere­ly hope that many of you will apply for this per­for­mance oppor­tu­ni­ty. The OHS Big­gs Committee will review the mate­ri­als sub­mit­ted and will noti­fy appli­cants as to whether they have been invit­ed to perform.

Appli­ca­tions Due: Jan­u­ary 312020

Invi­ta­tions to Par­tic­i­pate: Feb­ru­ary 282020

Scholars Application

Please down­load the Schol­ars Appli­ca­tion, fill it out, save, then upload it in the form on the right.


Program Details

Please down­load the Pro­gram Details.


Contact the Committee

Days to OHS 2025






