The OHS Pipe Organ Database

This is a dynam­ic data­base, one whose con­tent is always chang­ing. In effect this means that the data­base will nev­er be com­plet­ed, but will always be in a state of flux, reflect­ing the con­tin­u­ing changes that take place through­out the entire range of activ­i­ties asso­ci­at­ed with pipe organs. Inso­far as it is pos­si­ble with­in these para­me­ters to do so, this data­base seeks to pro­vide infor­ma­tion about pipe organs of North Amer­i­ca, specif­i­cal­ly cat­a­logu­ing in order

  • All organs that exist or have exist­ed in instal­la­tions with­in the geo­graph­i­cal bound­aries of the Unit­ed States.
  • All organs that have been built in North Amer­i­ca, whether they are installed with­in its bound­aries or in oth­er locations.

In addi­tion to the instru­ments orig­i­nal­ly cat­a­logued as the Extant Track­er List,” this data­base has as its core the com­plete hold­ings of the OHS PC Data­base, which con­tained data on around 11,225 instru­ments and 7200 organ builders. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion from the PC data­base remains to be added, specif­i­cal­ly mak­ing bib­li­o­graph­ic entries that detail the sources of infor­ma­tion on each organ.

Addi­tions (new entries, pho­tographs, sto­plists) and/​or updates can be sub­mit­ted by any site vis­i­tor through online forms. How­ev­er, it must be not­ed that any infor­ma­tion sub­mit­ted to the OHS Pipe Organ Data­base through such forms is sub­ject to review and ver­i­fi­ca­tion by the OHS Data­base Committee before it is accepted.

Vis­it Now.

The OHS Mission Statement

The Organ His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety cel­ebrates, pre­serves, and stud­ies the pipe organ in Amer­i­ca in all its his­toric styles, through re­search, edu­ca­tion, ad­vocacy, and music.

The Organ Historical Society

330 North Spring Mill Road
Vil­lano­va, PA 19085 – 1737
(484) 488-PIPE (7473)