OHS Video Productions

A Breath of Fresh Air


Imag­ine watch­ing a 200-year old organ, bro­ken, tat­tered, and for­got­ten com­ing to life again. Imag­ine see­ing crafts­men and his­to­ri­ans work­ing togeth­er on a neglect­ed instru­ment, restor­ing it to glo­ry piece by piece. Imag­ine gaz­ing at its trans­for­ma­tion into an his­tor­i­cal­ly accu­rate ser­vice­able organ. Now, imag­ine hear­ing that instru­ment played for the first time in generations!

You can make these imag­i­na­tions come true. Join us as we attempt to cre­ate Breath of Fresh Air for the 1817 Hilbus Cab­i­net Organ.