OHS 2017 - Venues

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Stacks Image 49558
Stacks Image 49562
Basilica of Saint Mary
Wicks Organ Co., Opus 3047 (1949–2008)
16 Diapason
8 First Diapason
8 Second Diapason
8 Stentorphone (solo)
8 Hohl Flute
8 Gemshorn
4 Principal
4 Rohr Flute
4 Stentor Octave (solo)
2 2/3 Quint
2 Super Octave
2 Major Fifteenth (solo)
1 3/5 Tierce
III Mixture
IV-VI Mixture
VI Herald Mixture
IV Herald Scharff
III Cornet (solo)
8 Harmonic Trumpet
Great to Great 16'
Great Unison Off
Great to Great 4'

16 Flute Conique
8 Geigen Diapason
8 Flute Conique
8 Viole de Gamba
8 Viole Celeste TC
4 Geigen Octave
4 Flute Triangular
4 Gambette
2 Octavin
2 Piccolo
III Plein Jeu
IV Mixture
16 Contre Trompette
16 Trombone
8 Trompette Harmonique
8 Trumpet
8 Oboe
4 Clairon Harmonique
4 Clarion
Swell to Swell 16'
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Swell 4'

8 Violin Diapason
8 Viola
8 Gedeckt
8 Spitz Flute
8 Unda Maris TC
4 Koppel Flute
4 Octave
2 Doublette
2 Spitz Piccolo
1 1/3 Quint
III-IV Mixture
III Scharf
8 Vox Humana
Choir to Choir 16'
Choir Unison Off
Choir to Choir 4'

8 Stentorphone
8 Gross Flute
8 Viol d’Orchestra
8 Viol Celeste TC
4 Stentor Octave
2 Major Fifteenth
III Cornet
8 Corno di Bassetto
8 Tuba Mirabilis
4 Tuba Clarion
16 Bombarde (gt)
8 Bombarde (gt)
4 Bombarde (gt)
Solo to Solo 16'
Solo Unison Off
Solo to Solo 4'

16 Herald Fanfare TC
8 Herald Fanfare
4 Herald Fanfare

32 Resultant
32 Sub Bourdon
16 Principal
16 Open Diapason
16 Violone
16 Bourdon
16 Flute Conique
8 Octave
8 Principal
8 Bourdon
8 Flute Conique
8 Cello
4 Octave
4 Flute (gt)
III Mixture
32 Bombarde
16 Bombarde
16 Trombone
16 Contre Trompette (sw)
8 Bombarde
8 Trompette
4 Clarion
4 Clairon Harmonique (sw)
4 Oboe (sw)
thex Created with Sketch.
Basilica of Saint Mary
Wicks Organ Co., Opus 3047 (1949–2008)

Stacks Image 66298
▶︎ This stream is only available on the desktop version of this page.

Stacks Image 66304
▶︎ The Choir of Saint Paul’s Cathedral, London. A formal public concert of music from the British cathedral tradition, recorded at Saint Mary’s Basilica, Minneapolis during the American Guild of Organist’s 1980 National Convention in Minnesota. Barry Rose, conductor and commentator; John Scott, organ.
Stacks Image 49120
Stacks Image 49168

James J. Hill House
St. Paul
Geo. S. Hutchings, Opus 229 (1889)

8 Open Diapason
8 Melodia
8 Viola di Gamba
4 Octave
4 Flute d’amour
2 Fifteenth
8 Dulciana

8 Geigen Principal
8 Stopped Diapason
8 Quintadena
8 Aeoline
4 Flute Harmonique
2 Flautino
8 Oboe

16 Bourdon
Gt to Ped
Sw to Ped
thex Created with Sketch.
James J. Hill House
Saint Paul
Geo. S. Hutchings, Opus 229 (1889)

▶︎ James J. Hill House Tour

Stacks Image 65881
Stacks Image 65885
Prospect Park United Methodist Church
Hinners Organ Co. (1927)
8 Open Diapason
8 Melodia
8 Saxophone
8 Dulciana
4 Principal
Great to Pedal
Great to Great 4'

8 Violin Diapason
8 Stopped Diapason
8 Viol d’Orchestre
8 Aeoline
4 Harmonic Flute
8 Oboe
Swell to Pedal
Swell Unison Silent
Swell to Swell 16'
Swell to Swell 4'
Swell to Great 16'
Swell to Great
Swell to Great 4'

16 Bourdon
16 Lieblich Gedeckt
thex Created with Sketch.
Prospect Park United Methodist Church
Hinners Organ Co. (1927)
Stacks Image 47591
Stacks Image 47601

Convent of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Johnson & Son, Opus 499 (1877)

16 Open Diapason
8 Open Diapason
8 Spitz Floete
8 Viol da Gamba
8 Doppel Floete
4 Octave
4 Harmonic Flute
2-2/3 Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
III Mixture 2'
IV Mixture 1-1/3'
8 Trumpet (Johnson & Son Patent Reeds)
4 Clarion
Swell to Great
Solo to Great

SWELL (expressive)
16 Bourdon
8 Open Diapason
8 Salicional
8 Stop’d Diapason
8 Quintadena
4 Octave
4 Flauto Traverso
4 Violin
2 Flautino
III Mixture 2'
II Mixture 1-1/3'
16 Contra Fagotto
8 Cornopeon [sic] (Johnson & Son Patent Reeds)
8 Oboe & Bassoon
8 Vox Humana
4 Clarion

16 Quintatoen
8 Geigen Principal
8 Keraulophone
8 Dulciana
8 Melodia
4 Fugara
4 Flute d’Amour
2 Piccolo
8 Clarionet
Swell to Solo

16 Double Open Diapason
16 Bourdon
16 Violone
10-2/3 Quinte
8 Violoncello
16 Trombone (Johnson & Son Patent Reeds)
8 Tromba
Great to Pedale
Swell to Pedale
Solo to Pedale
thex Created with Sketch.
Convent of Our Lady of Good Counsel
Johnson & Son, Opus 499 (1877)
Stacks Image 6918
This organ is featured on the cover of the book “Johnson Organs.”

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Stacks Image 49224
Stacks Image 49228

Central Lutheran Church
Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 2722 (1963)

16 Prinzipal
8 Prinzipal
8 Gedackt
8 Gemshorn
4 Oktav
4 Rohrflöte
2 2/3 Quinte
2 Superoktav
2 Blockflöte
V Kornett (2nd C)
IV Mixtur
IV Scharf
16 Posaune
8 Trompete
4 Klarine
8 Spanische Trompete

16 Lieblichgedackt
8 Geigenprinzipal
8 Rohrflöte
8 Viol
8 Viol Schwebung
4 Oktav
4 Spitzflöte
2 Oktavine
IV Mixtur
IV Scharf
16 Trompete
8 Trompete
8 Oboe
8 Vox Humana
4 Klarine

16 Quintade
8 Prinzipal
8 Gedackt
4 Oktav
4 Koppelflöte
2 2/3 Nasat
2 Italienisch Principal
1 3/5 Terz
1 1/3 Quintflöte
1 Sifflöte
IV Mixtur
IV Zimbel
8 Krummhorn
4 Trompete

8 Gedacktflöte
8 Salizional
8 Salizional Schwebung
8 Concert Flöte
8 Erzähler
8 Erzähler Schwebung
4 Prinzipal
4 Gemshorn
4 Nachthorn
2 Waldflöte
II Sesquialtera
III Mixtur
16 Fagott
8 Englisch Horn
8 Rohrschalmei

32 Untersatz
16 Prinzipal
16 Subbass
16 Quintaton
16 Gemshorn
8 Oktav
8 Gedackt
8 Gemshorn
4 Oktav
4 Rohrpfeife
III Mixture
IV Scharf
32 Kontra Posaune
16 Posaune
16 Rankett
8 Trompete
4 Klarine
4 Oboe
thex Created with Sketch.
Central Lutheran Church
Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 2722 (1963)

Stacks Image 66238
▶︎ This stream is only available on the desktop version of this page.

Stacks Image 66250
▶︎ Marilyn Mason in Recital. A program of mostly new, commissioned works recorded on the Casavant organ of Central Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, and recorded during the American Guild of Organist’s 1980 National Convention in Minnesota.
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Stacks Image 65912
Sacred Heart Music Center
A.B. Felgemaker, Opus 664 (1897)
16 Bourdon
8 Open Diapason
8 Melodia
8 Dulciana
4 Octave
4 Flute d’Amour
2-2/3 Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
III Mixture
8 Trumpet

8 Violin Diapason
8 Stop’d Diapason
8 Salicional
8 Aeolina
4 Violina
4 Flute Harmonique
2 Flautino
III Dolce Cornet
8 Oboe (descant)
8 Bassoon (bass, fr tenor C)

16 Double Open Diapason
16 Bourdon
8 Violoncello
thex Created with Sketch.
Sacred Heart Music Center
A.B. Felgemaker, Opus 664 (1897)

Stacks Image 65935
Stacks Image 65939
First Baptist Church
St. Paul
Steer & Turner, Opus 92 (1875)

  • Arthur Fellows
  • M.P. Möller
  • J.R. Gould
  • Steve Lethert
  • David Engen


1939, 1958,1962, 2000, 2013

16 Open Diapason
8 Diapason
8 Doppel Flute
8 Viola da Gamba
4 Octave
2-2/3 Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
Mixture III

16 Bourdon
8 Open Diapason
8 Salicional
8 Vox Céleste tc
8 Gedeckt
8 Dolce
4 Violina
2 Principal
8 Trumpet
8 Oboe
8 Vox Humana
4 Clarion

8 Koppelflute
8 Dulciana
8 Unda Maris tc
8 Flute Céleste tc
4 Geigen Principal
4 Flute d’Amour
4 Dulciana
2-2/3 Nazard
2 Harmonic Piccolo
2 Dulcet
8 Clarinet

32 Resultant
16 Open Diapason (Gt)
16 Bourdon
16 Contra Gamba
16 Lieblich Gedeckt (Sw)
8 Principal (Gt)
8 Flute
4 Choralbass (Gt)
16 Trombone
thex Created with Sketch.
First Baptist Church
Saint Paul
Steer & Turner, Opus 92 (1875)

▶︎ Stephen Schaefer practicing on the Steer & Turner organ in St. Paul.
Stacks Image 65962
Stacks Image 65966
First Lutheran Church
St. Peter
Hendrickson Organ Co. (1978)
8 Prestant
8 Rohrflöte
8 Dolce
4 Octave
4 Spitzflöte
2 Waldflöte
1 1/3 Mixture IV
2 2/3 Sesquialter II
8 Trumpet
8 Horizontal Trumpet

8 Gedackt
8 Spitzgamba bf cb
8 Schwebung tc
4 Principal
4 Spitzflöte
2 Octave
1 1/3 Quint
2/3 Mixture IV
16 Dulzian
8 Oboe
8 Regal (prepared)

32 Harmonics VI
16 Prestant
16 Subbass
8 Octave
8 Spitzflöte
4 Octave
2 2/3 Mixture
16 Posaune
4 Schalmey
thex Created with Sketch.
First Lutheran Church
St. Peter
Hendrickson Organ Co. (1978)

Stacks Image 6232
This organ may be heard on the CD “Czech Organ Music.”

Organist - Kathryn Moen

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OHS Catalog

Stacks Image 65989
Stacks Image 65993
Church of Saint Peter and Paul
Joseph Lorenz (1880)
16 Bourdon
8 Principal
8 Melodia
8 Gamba
4 Octave
4 Rohr Flute
2 2/3 Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
III Mixture
8 Trumpet

8 Gedackt
8 Viola
8 Salicional
8 Dolce
4 Violina
4 Flute Harmonique
2 Piccolo
8 Bassoon
8 Oboe

16 Open Bass
16 Sub Bass
8 Violon
16 Trombone

Swell to Great
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Pedal Check
thex Created with Sketch.
Church of Saint Peter and Paul
Joseph Lorenz (1880)
Stacks Image 79490
Stacks Image 79494
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Schlicker Organ Co. (1966)
16 Pommer
8 Principal
8 Spitzfloete
4 Octave
4 Hohlfloete
2 Octave
IV-VI Mixture
16 Trompeta Real
8 Trompeta Real
4 Trompeta Real

8 Gedeckt
4 Rohrfloete
2 Principal
1-1/3 Klein Nasat
1 Siffloete
III-IV Scharf
8 Krummhorn
16 Trompeta Real (Gt)
8 Trompeta Real (Gt)
4 Trompeta Real (Gt)

8 Rohrfloete
8 Salicional
8 Voix Celeste
8 Dolce
8 Dolce Celeste
4 Principal
4 Koppelfloete
2-2/3 Nasat
2 Nachthorn
1-3/5 Terz
IV-V Mixture
16 Fagott
8 Schalmey
4 Clarion

32 Resultant
16 Principal
16 Subbass
16 Pommer (Gt)
8 Octave
8 Pommer (Gt)
4 Choralbass
4 Pommer (Gt)
2 Blockfloete
IV Mixture
32 Contra-Fagott
16 Posaune
16 Fagott (Sw)
8 Trompeta Real (Gt)
8 Trumpet
4 Clarion (Sw)

8 Rohrgedeckt
4 Principal
2 Gemshorn
III Mixture

16 Gedecktbass
8 Gedeckt (Gt)
thex Created with Sketch.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Schlicker Organ Co. (1966)

Stacks Image 66043
Stacks Image 66047
Saint George Catholic Church
New Ulm
Vogelpohl & Spaeth (1905)
16 Manual Bourdon
8 Principal
8 Melodia
8 Viol d’Gamba
4 Octave
4 Flute
2-2/3 Twelfth
2 Octave

8 Geigen Principal
8 Lieblich Gedeckt
8 Salicional
4 Flute Harmonique
8 Oboe
Bellows signal

16 Subbass
8 Cello
thex Created with Sketch.
Saint George Catholic Church
New Ulm
Vogelpohl & Spaeth (1905)
Stacks Image 66070
Stacks Image 66074
First Baptist Church
Hudson, Wisconsin
Geo. Jardine & Son (1863)
8 Open Diapason
8 Melodia
8 St. Diapason Bass
4 Principal
4 Flute
2 2/3 Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
Great and Swell

8 Open Diapason
8 Clariana
8 St. Diapason Treble
8 St. Diapason Bass
4 Principal
8 Hautbois

16 Pedal Pipes
Pedal and Great
Pedal and Swell
Pedal Octaves
Pedal Lock

Hitchdown Swell
thex Created with Sketch.
First Baptist Church
Hudson, Wisconsin
Geo. Jardine & Son (1863)

Stacks Image 49346
Stacks Image 49350

Cathedral of Saint Paul
St. Paul
Quimby Pipe Organs, Inc. (2009)
Originally built by Skinner Organ Co.
(1925, Opus 518) and
Aeolian-Skinner rebuild
(1959, Opus 1398)

16 Violone
8 Principal
8 Violone (ext)
8 Flute Couverte
8 Spitz Gamba
4 Octave
4 Koppel Flute
2-2/3 Twelfth
2 Fifteenth
1-3/5 Seventeenth
III-IV Mixture
8 Bombarde PD
16 GT to GT
Gt to Unison Off

16 Rohr Bordun (ext)
8 Geigen Principal
8 Rohr Flute
8 Viole da Gamba
8’ Voix Céleste
4 Spitz Principal
4 Flauto Traverso
2 Spindle Flute
IV Plein Jeu
16 Hautbois (ext)
8 Trompette
8 Hautbois
4 Clarion
16 SW to SW
SW to Unison Off
4 SW to SW

8 Principal
8 Gedeckt
8 Kleine Erzähler
8 Erzähler Céleste
4 Octave
4 Block Flute
2-2/3 Nazard
2 Zauber Flute
1-3/5 Tierce
III Mixture
8 Cromorne
8 English Horn tc
16 CH to CH
CH Unison Off
4 CH to CH
8 Trompette Heroique (Bombarde)

16 Violone GT
8 Open Diapason
8 Flute Harmonique
4 Octave
2-2/3 Twelfth
2 Super Octave
IV Mixture
16 Trompette Harmonique (ext)
8 Trompette Harmonique
8 Hautbois SW
8 English Horn CH
4 Clarion Harmonique
Bombarde Unison Off
8 Trompette Heroique
Sanctuary SW on BOM

32 Bourdon
16 Contre Basse
16 Violone GT
16 Bourdon (ext)
16 Rohr Bordun SW
8 Spitz Octave
8 Violone GT
8 Bourdon (ext)
8 Rohr Flute SW
4 Choral Bass (ext)
IV Mixture
32 Contre Bombarde
16 Bombarde (ext)
16 Hautbois SW
8 Bombarde (ext)
8 Hautbois SW
4 Bombarde (ext)
4 Hautbois SW
8 Trompette Heroique BOM
8 Trompette Harmonique BOM
4 Trompette Harmonique BOM

8 Diapason
8 Wald Flute
8 Spitz Flute
4 Octave
4 Gedeckt
2 Fifteenth
16 GT to GT
GT Unison Off
4 GT to GT

16 Bourdon
8 Diapason
8 Gedeckt
8 Salicional
8 Voix Céleste
8 Flauto Dolce
8 Flute Céleste
4 Octave
4 Flute
V Mixture
16 Fagotto
8 Cornopean
8 Oboe
16 SW to SW
SW Unison Off
4 Sw to SW

8 Chimney Flute
8 Harmonic Flute
2-2/3 Nazard
2 Piccolo
1-3/5 Tierce
8 Clarinet
CH Unison Off

32 Resultant (ext)
16 Bourdon
16 Echo Lieblich SW
8 Bourdon (ext)
8 Gedeckt SW
16 Fagotto SW
thex Created with Sketch.
Cathedral of Saint Paul
Saint Paul
Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Opus 1398 (1959)
Stacks Image 79318
Stacks Image 79322
Stacks Image 79324

▶︎ Cathedral of Saint Paul Choir
For the Beauty of the Earth

thex Created with Sketch.

▶︎ Cathedral of Saint Paul Choir
For the Beauty of the Earth

Stacks Image 79578
▶︎ This stream is only available on the desktop version of this page.

Stacks Image 79590
▶︎ Cathedral Centenary Celebration. Concert performances featuring the renovated organs at the Cathedral of Saint Paul.

Stacks Image 79644
▶︎ This stream is only available on the desktop version of this page.

Stacks Image 79667
▶︎ Cathedral at Saint Paul. Recordings on the 1927 Skinner and 1963 Aeolian–Skinner organs in the Roman Catholic Cathedral of Saint Paul.
Stacks Image 79417
Stacks Image 79421
The House of Hope Presbyterian Church
St. Paul
Joseph Merklin (1878)
C.B. Fisk Inc. (1987)

16 Bourdon
8 Montre
8 Bourdon
8 Gambe
8 Salicional
4 Prestant
4 Flute octaviante
2 Fourniture II-IV
8 Trompette
4 Clairon

8 Bourdon
8 Gambe
8 Voix celeste
4 Flute octaviante
2 Flageolet
8 Basson-Hautbois

16 Soubasse
8 Montre
thex Created with Sketch.
The House of Hope Pres. Church
Saint Paul
Joseph Merklin (1878)

Stacks Image 79434
Stacks Image 79438
Stacks Image 79440

▶︎ House of Hope. Four Organs: Ducroquet, Jaeckel, Merklin, Fisk. Fantasy on St. Anne. Aaron David Miller, Organist.
thex Created with Sketch.

▶︎ House of Hope. Four Organs: Ducroquet, Jaeckel, Merklin, Fisk. Fantasy on St. Anne. Aaron David Miller, Organist.

Stacks Image 47531
Stacks Image 47535

St. John's Abbey
Holtkamp Organ Co., Opus 1742 (1961)

16 Quintadena
8 Principal
8 Flute
8 Gedackt
4 Octave
4 Spitzflöte
2 Superoctave
1 1/3 Octave Quint
IV Mixture
III Scharf
8 Trumpet
8 Rohrflöte
8 Lieblickgedackt
8 Spitzgamba
8 Voix Céleste
4 Octave Geigen
4 Bourdon
2 Doublette
1 Piccolo
III Sesquialtera
IV Plein Jeu
16 Basson
8 Fagott
4 Oboe Clarion

8 Copula
4 Praestant
4 Rohrflöte
2 2/3 Nazard
2 Octave
2 Blockflöte
1 3/5 Tierce
III Fourniture
8 Cromorne

16 Principal
16 Subbass
16 Quintadena GT
10 2/3 Quintbass
8 Octave
8 Flauto Dolce
4 Choralbass
4 Nachthorn
V Cornet (32')
IV Mixture 128
16 Posaune
8 Trumpet
4 Schalmei
thex Created with Sketch.
St. John's Abbey
Holtkamp Organ Co., Opus 1742 (1961)

▶︎ Franz Liszt's Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H played on the Holtkamp organ at St. John's Abbey and University Church, Collegeville, Minnesota. Performed, recorded, and edited by Matthew Knip.
Stacks Image 66124
Stacks Image 66128
Church of the Sacred Heart
Wangerin-Weickhardt Co. (1913)
16 Bourdon
8 Open Diapason
8 Gamba
8 Doppel Floete
8 Melodia
8 Dulciana
4 Octave
4 Flute d'Amour
8 Trumpet

16 Bourdon
8 Geigen Princip'l
8 Lieblich Gedackt
8 Aeoline
8 Salicion'l
8 Voix Celeste
4 Flute Harmonic
4 Violina
8 Orchest'l Oboe
Dolce Cornet 3 Rks.
Swell Tremulant

16 Open Diapason
16 Sub Bass
16 Lieblich Gedackt
8 Octave
8 Bass Flute

Great to Great 16'
Great to Great 4'
Swell to Great 16'
Swell to Great 8'
Swell to Great 4'
Swell to Swell 16'
Swell to Swell 4'
Great to Pedal 8'
Swell to Pedal 8'
thex Created with Sketch.
Church of the Sacred Heart
Wangerin-Weickhardt Co. (1913)

Stacks Image 47561
Stacks Image 47565

The House of Hope Presbyterian Church
St. Paul
C.B. Fisk, Inc., Opus 78 (1979)

*Pipes retained from the E.M. Skinner organ.

16 Prestant
8 Octave
8 Gambe
8 Flute Harmonique
8 Bourdon
4 Octave
4 Rohrflöte
2 Superoctave
II Grave Mixture
V Cornet
VIII-XII Mixture
16 Double Trumpet
8 German Trumpet
8 French Trumpet
I-IV Orlos

*16 Stillgedackt (Skinner bass)
8 Diapason
8 Viola da Gamba
8 Voix Céleste
8 Chimney Flute
4 Italian Principal
2-2/3 Quinta
II Sesquialter
2 Fifteenth
IV-VI Fourniture
16 Contra Hautboy
8 Trumpet
8 Oboe
4 Cliron

8 Gedackt
4 Quintadena
2 Waldflöte
1-3/5 Tierce
III Echo Cornet
1-1/3 Quinta
III Cymbal
8 Regal
4 Schalmey

*16 Holzquintadehn (Skinner)
8 Prestant
8 Bourdon
4 Octave
4 Baarpijp
3-1/5 Grosse Tierce
2-2/3 Nazard
II Sesquialtera
2 Night Horn
2 Doublet
V-VIII Sharp
16 Dulcian
8 Trechterregal
8 Cromorne

*32 Contra Bourdon (Skinner basses)
16 Prestant
*16 Subbass (Skinner)
8 Octave
8 Gedackt
4 Superoctave
V Mixture
32 Contra Bassoon
16 Trombone 16
8 Cornopean
4 Shawn
thex Created with Sketch.
The House of Hope Pres. Church
St. Paul
C.B. Fisk, Inc., Opus 78 (1979)
Stacks Image 36695
Stacks Image 79198
Stacks Image 36699

▶︎ Aaron David Miller performs “Jump.”

thex Created with Sketch.

▶︎ Aaron David Miller performs “Jump.”

Stacks Image 66286
▶︎ This stream is only available on the desktop version of this page.

Stacks Image 66292
▶︎ David Craighead in Concert. A recital on the C.B. Fisk organ at House of Hope Presbyterian Church in Saint Paul, MN, recorded during the American Guild of Organist’s 1980 National Convention in Minnesota.
Stacks Image 151279
Stacks Image 151283

St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 1177 (1927)

Schantz Organ Co. (2001)
Originally built by
Casavant Frères Ltée. (1927, Opus 1177)

1. 16 Double Open Diapason
2. 16 Bourdon
3. 8 1st Open Diapason
4. 8 2nd Open Diapason
5. 8 3rd Open Diapason
6. 8 Hohl Flute
7. 8 Bourdon
8. 8 Gemshorn
9. 4 Octave
10. 4 Harmonic Flute
11. 2-2/3 Twelfth
12. 2 Fifteenth
13. V Cornet
14. IV Fourniture
15. 16 Contra Tromba
16. 8 Tromba
17. 4 Clarion
18. 8 Trompette en chamade
19. Chimes [Solo]
20. Celesta [Choir]
21. MIDI on Great

22. 16 Bourdon
23. 8 Open Diapason
24. 8 Geigen Principal
25. 8 Flûte Traverse
26. 8 Cor de Nuit
27. 8 Viola da Gamba
28. 8 Voix Celeste
29. 8 Dolcissimo
30. 8 Dolcissimo Celeste
31. 4 Octave
32. 4 Flûte Octaviante
33. 4 Violina
34. 2 Piccolo
35. V Cornet
36. IV Plein Jeu
37. 16 Double Trumpet
38. 8 Cornopean
39. 8 Oboe
40. 8 Vox Humana
41. 4 Clarion
42. 8 Trompette en chamade [Great]
43. Chimes [Solo]
44. Celesta [Choir]
45. Tremulant
46. MIDI on Swell

47. 16 Quintaton
48. 8 Open Diapason
49. 8 Melodia
50. 8 Rohr Flute
51. 8 Quintadena
52. 8 Viole d’Orchestra
53. 8 Viole Celeste
54. 8 Dulciana
55. 8 Dulciana Celeste
56. 4 Octave
57. 4 Flûte d’Amour
58. 2-2/3 Nasard
59. 2 Flageolet
60. 1-3/5 Tierce
61. 1-1/3 Petite Quint
62. 1-1/7 Septime
63. 1 Piccolo
64. VIII Cornet [synthetic]
65. 16 Bassoon
66. 8 Trumpet
67. 8 Clarinet
68. 8 Orchestral Oboe
69. 4 Clarion
70. 8 Trompette en chamade [Great]
71. Celesta 61 notes action rebuilt
72. Harp action rebuilt
73. Chimes [Solo]
74. Tremulant
75. MIDI on Choir

76. 16 Contra Gamba
77. 8 Diapason
78. 8 Grosse Flûte
79. 8 Gamba
80. 8 Gamba Celeste
81. 4 Octave
82. 4 Flûte Octaviante
83. 4 Viola
84. VII Grand Cornet
85. 16 Tuba Magna
86. 8 Tuba Mirabilis
87. 8 French Horn
88. 8 Cor Anglais
89. 4 Tuba Clarion
90. 8 Trompette en chamade [Great]
91. Chimes 25 bells new action
92. Celesta [Choir]
93. Tremulant
94. MIDI on Solo

95. 32 Double Open Diapason
96. 32 Bourdon
97. 16 Open Diapason
98. 16 Bourdon
99. 16 Violone
100. 16 Dulciana
101. 16 Gedeckt [Swell]
102. 10-2/3 Quint
103. 8 Octave
104. 8 Flute
105. 8 Gedeckt [Swell]
106. 8 Cello
107. 8 Dulciana
108. 6-2/5 Tierce
109. 5-1/3 Quint
110. 4 Super Octave
111. 4 Bourdon
112. 4 Gedeckt [Swell]
113. 4 Dulciana
114. 32 Contra Trombone
115. 16 Trombone
116. 16 Bassoon
117. 8 Trumpet
118. 4 Clarion
119. 2 Octave Clarion
120. 8 Trompette en chamade [Great]
121. Chimes [Solo]
122. MIDI on Pedal
thex Created with Sketch.
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
Casavant Frères Ltée, Opus 1177 (1927)
Stacks Image 79182
Stacks Image 79186
Stacks Image 79189

▶︎ Jacob Benda plays Max Reger, Op. 80, Nos. 11 and 12 (Toccata and Fugue in a minor)

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▶︎ Jacob Benda plays Max Reger, Op. 80, Nos. 11 and 12 (Toccata and Fugue in a minor)

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“Soar Above” CD
Organist - Fred Hohman

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