Masonic Temple
Brattleboro, VT
Opus 850

8 Open Diapason
8 Dulciana
8 Melodia
4 Octave

8 AEoline
8 Stopped Diapason
4 Flute Harmonic
8 Oboe (Labial)

16 Bourdon

The organ stands in the gallery and the pleasing oak case and visible 16’ pipes have been
covered with white paint. The compact, rolltop, detached console is on a platform below,
and is nicely finished in “mahoganized” birch. The registers are operated by Haskell stop keys;
the Swell pedal action is mechanical; the Pedal keys are concave and radiating; there is no
combination action; and the electric action has been renovated in recent years. 

A small, brass plaque on the back of the console reads: 
Gift of J.G. & J.H. Estey
