First Presbyterian Church
Astoria, OR
Opus 817


Great (Enclosed)
8'  Gr. Open Diapason                61
8'  Gr. Melodia                           61
8'  Gr. Dulciana                          61
4'  Gr. Principal                          61
4'  Gr. Flute d'Amour                   61
Swell (Enclosed)
16' Sw. Bourdon                         61
8'  Sw. Violin Diapason               61
8'  Sw. Stopped Diapason           61
8'  Sw. Salicional                       61
8'  Sw. Aeoline                           61
4'  Sw. Flute Harmonic               61
8'  Sw. Oboe   [labial]                  61
Sw. Tremolo                         
16'  Ped. Bourdon                       32
8'   Ped. Violoncello                    32
Foot Levers
Pedal Movements
Swell Expression           balanced

Action: Tubular-Pneumatic key & stop
Voices:  15
Stops:  15
Ranks:  14

Pipes:  796
The organ is installed in an elevated loft designed just for the pipe organ - at the front of the church and above/behind the chancel.
The console was detached. It is believed that the organ was originally hand-pumped and that an
electric blower was added later. Both the Swell and Great are enclosed together in a common expression box.
The facade contains 75 pipes painted gold with brown trim and highlights of which only 17 are from the Great 8' Open Diapason.
All the remaining pipes are dummies. The organ was contracted, built, and installed in 1910,
 and the dedication took place on January 13, 1911.
In the mid 1960's, organ technician and Casavant Rep. Clele d'Autrey was contracted to electrify the organ.
A used II-manual console was provided, and tonal changes were made. On the Great, the original 8' Dulciana was
replaced with a 2' Fifteenth. On the Swell, the 16' Bourdon was replaced with a full-compass 2'  Piccolo.
A tenor C 8' Voix Celeste on a new chest was also added to the Swell.
In the 1990's, under the care of Bond Pipe Organs of Portland, OR., an  8' French Trompette was added.
Estey Opus List
Church history
Extant organ
James R. Stettner