Westminster Presbyterian
Portland, OR
Opus 634


8  Open Diapason                        61
8  Dulciana                                  61
4  Octave                                    61
Swell  (Enclosed)
8  Stopped Diapason                   61
8  Salicional                               49
4  Harmonic Flute                        61
8  Oboe   [ labial ]              
16 Bourdon                               30
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell to Great 8ves
Pedal Movements
Swell Expression
Action:  Tubular-Pneumatic

Voices:  8
Stops:  8
Ranks:  8
Pipes:  433

This organ was built for Westminster Presbyterian Church in Portland, OR. on Weidler. It replaced the I-manual ca. 1851 Erben tracker that had formerly served First Presbyterian Church and was then loaned to Westminster.

The Estey served both the old church for which it was built and was then moved to the new (present) church. It was woefully inadequate for the size of the new church, and in 1941 it was replaced by a minimalist III-manual Moller in divided chambers.

The Estey was sold to the Guenther Organ Co. of Portland, OR. and was offered for resale through them. It was purchased primarily by Zelma Weymouth - the organist of Kenilworth Presbyterian Church in Portland - and has been serving that congregation since 1941!!!

At Kenilworth Presbyterian, a set of chimes has been added - playable from their own keyboard. And the original Swell 8' Stopped Diapason has been replaced from tenor C and up with an 8' Rohr Fl`te.

The bass of the Swell 8' Salicional is borrowed from the stopped bass of the 8' Rohr Flute.

Estey Opus List
Westminster Presbyterian Church History
Extant, relocated organ
James Stettner