Meade Memorial Episcopal Church
Manchester, VA
Opus 521

    8  Open Diapason
    8  Melodia
    8  Viola D’Gamba
    8  Dulciana
    4  Octave
    4  Flute

    8  Stopped Diapason
    8  Salicional
    8  Aeoline
    8  Vox Celeste
    4  Flute Harmonic
    8  Cornopean

    16 Bourdon

The organ was originally installed in the church’s previous building, Meade Memorial church at Decatur and 12th streets in the city of Manchester, which merged with Richmond in 1910. It was in a chamber to the right of the chancel and had an openin9 into the nave, as well. Action was ori9inally tubular pneumatic. The organ was moved with the parish to its new building in 1929 and was again placed in a chamber to the right of the chancel, this time opening only into the barrel vault of the chancel ceiling. My guess is that the action was electrified at that time and a cheap console was supplied.
The Vox Celeste stop was originally an Oboe Gamba, and the Cornopean was an addition. only a guess that the changes were made at the time of the move.
At some point the choir and console were moved to the rear gallery. A microphone was hung in the chamber and amplified by speaker on the rear wall of the gallery. This device was removed when Donald R. Traser became organist in 1982. The entire organ was in such bad shape by that time that it totally gave out in 1985 and sat silent until 1988. It was rebuilt that year by R. A. Daffer Co. with totally new chests and an Allen console. The organ went from 13 to 11 ranks in the rebuild and some new Wicks pipes were added. The building has since been sold and is used by the Richmond Christian Center as a youth center. Organ still there as far as is known

Great Organ Recital at Meade Memorial

The organ recital in Meade-Memorial church, Manchester, last night was quite a success. The organ, under the hand of Mr. Ben J. Potter, Arco, England, and choir master of Monumental church, RICHMOND, seemed to respond to the hand of the master.

The singing of Miss Frances Diggs, whose voice was never sweeter, charmed the large congregation gathered to hear these finished musicians.

                      Marca in B flat--Pearce
                      Simple Avue-Pherci
                      But the Lord is Mindful of His Own
                      Schubert's Serenade--Lemine
                      Andante in B flat
                      Jesus Thou Art Bending
                      Summer Song--Lemare
                      Festal March--Kinrois

Meade Memorial Organ Tested Last Night

Percy Lindsay and other organists of RICHMOND last night tested the handsome new organ which has just been installed in Meade Memorial church and the indications are that the instrument will give entire satisfaction.

G.M. Bucklin, representing the Estey Organ Works, of Brattleboro, Vt, has been here for several weeks installing the organ, and he completed the task yesterday.

The tone of the organ is exceptionally sweet.  It will be used Sunday, at which time an excellent musical program will be rendered.  The organ was installed at a cost of $2,200, and is what is known as a tubular pneumatic pipe. The design and outside workmanship is particularly attractive.

Estey Opus List
Donald R. Traser
