Peacham Congregational Church
Peacham, VT
Opus 3252

The Odell Case

On July 24 ,1870, Peacham native Oliver Johnson, who bad prospered in New York City, offered the church an Odell organ
costing $1,300.00, an extravagant gift for the time. The church spent $7,300.00 renovating the building, which was enlarged
to accommodate the gift. The dedication service took place on September 28, 1871. J.H. & C.S. Odell began building tracker
action organs at their factory at 407 West 42nd Street, New York, in 1859. At one point, the Odells had over 200 organs
in use in New York City. The company moved to Mount Vernon, and then Yonkers, New York. It survived until 1979.

In 1957, Charles F. Brown, who had spent his early years in Peacham and then gone on to make a life for himself in Paris,
wrote the Estey Organ Corporation to investigate the “possibilities of rebuilding and enlarging” the Peacham organ.
For $13,000.00, Mr. Brown had the organ enlarged and electrified. He took part in the service dedicating his gift,
September 14, 1958. He died in February, 1959.

8  Diapason
8  Rohr Flute
4  Octave
2  Fifteenth
8  Trumpet

8  Keraulophone
8  Celeste
8  Gedaeckt
4  Spitz Principal
4  Lieblich Flute
2 2/3 Nazard
2  Spitz Flute
8  Oboe

16 Subbas
16 Lieblich Gedeckt
  8 Bass Flute
  8 Gedeckt
  4 Spitz Principal

Dedication Plaque

A Recent Musical Event