First Church of Christ, Scientist
Brattleboro, VT
Opus 3068

Great (enclosed)
8 Open Diapason
8 Dulciana
8 Melodia
4 Octave
4 Gemshorn

8 Violin Diapason
8 Salicional
8 AEoline
8 Voix Celeste
8 Stopped Diapason
4 Silver Flute
8 Oboe

16 Bourdon
16 Lieblich Gedackt
8 Flute
8 Gedackt
In the tradition of Estey’s generosity to local churches, even during the Great Depression,
the organ was installed “at cost”, $3,050. Organists Norman Coke-Jephcott and Bassett Rough
of New York City advised on the specification. The organ was on 4” wind pressure and the
shop order stipulated “Gr. Diapason & Octave fairly coarse nicking”. The organ is in a wide
chamber, behind the grillework above the platform, and the console is on the main floor, at the right.
