National Theatre Supply Company
St. Louis, MO
Opus 2832



8 Vox Humana 61
8 Stopped Flute 85
16 Viol d'Orchestre 85

16 Tibia Clausa (TC)
16 Bass Viol
 8 Tibia Clausa
 8 Violin
 4 Flute d'Amour
 4 Violina
 2 2/3 Twelfth
 2 Piccolo
 1 3/5 Tierce
 8 Vox Humana
 8 Oboe (Syn.)
 8 Clarinet (Syn.)
 8 Saxophone (Syn.)
    Chimes (5 notes)

16 Violone
8 Gedeckt
8 Viola
4 Flute
4 String
8 Vox Humana
4 Vox Humana

16 Contra Viol
  8 Flute
  8 Viola


In September 1929, the organ was shipped to Stix, Baer, & Fuller in St. Louis for a one week trial.
They did not keep it, and it was shipped to the Chicago Studio of Estey.
 In October 1930, it was shipped to Teacher's Training School 135th Street and Convent Ave., New York City.
 In March 1931, it was sold to the Beyers Record Station, 6010 Starr Piano Building, 38th Ave. and 61st Street, Woodside, L.I., NY.
 In June 1932, it was moved to Byers Recording Lab., Inc., 1780 Broadway, New York City.
From there, it went back to Estey. It was sold to Rudy Vallee in August 1934
and installed in his lodge at Keezer Lake in Fryeburg, Maine. 
 In May 1935, it was given by Rudy Vallee to St. Mary's Church, Westbrook, Maine.
More recently owned by Larry Leonard and Nelson Pease.
Currently owned by Bob Hellstrom, East Hampton, CT.

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Estey Opus List
Shop Order
Bob Hellstrom
