Masonic Temple
Keene, NH
Opus 2243


8 Open Diapason
8 Gross Flute
8 Melodia
8 Viol d'Orchestre
8 Viol d'Amour
8 Saxophone
8 Vox Humana
  Sw Unison Off
  Sw to Sw 16-4

  All speaking stops duplexed

  from Great
  Gt Unison Off
  Gt to Gt 4
  Sw to Gt 16-8-4

16 Bourdon
16 Viol
     Gt to Ped
     Sw to Ped

The building was erected by Henry Pond in 1859. "On Dec.20, 1920, the Cheshire Royal Arch Masonic organization took possession of the house
and the cornerstone of a Masonic Hall was set, with appropriate ceremonies, on May 29, 1924, and the remodeled building was dedicated on April 13, 1925.
Among the additions was the memorial gift of an Estey pipe organ." The building is now owned by the Keene Public Library and called Heberton Hall.
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