First Methodist Episcopal Church
Lime Springs, IA
Opus 1999


8 Open Diapason (facade)
8 Melodia
8 Dulciana
4 Flute d'Amour
   Gt Unison Off
   Gt to Gt 4
   Sw to Gt 16-8-4

8 Stopped Diapason
8 Salicional
4 Flute Harmonic
8 Oboe (labial)
   Sw Unison Off
   Sw to Sw 16-4

16 Bourdon
     Gt to Ped
     Sw to Ped


Tubular Pneumatic

Keyboard 61 notes
Pedal 30 notes


The instrument was a gift from W.C. BROWN who was President of the New
York Grand Central Railroad. His summer home (a mansion) was in Lime
Springs. He had a special railroad siding built where he kept his personal
train. Each room in the mansion has carpeting from various famous railroads
of the world. The bathroom fixtures are imported marble.
His personal yard is now the city park.

Estey Opus List
David Kemmer
