Lewisburg Female Institute
Lewisburg, WV
Opus 169

Christ Church,
Charleston, WV

8 Open Diapason
8 Melodia
8 Dulciana
4 Principal
   Sw to Gt 8-4

Swell (enclosed)
8 Stopped Diapason
8 Salicional
4 Flute Harmonic
8 Oboe (TC)

16 Bourdon
     Gt to Ped
     Sw to Ped

9 ranks, 482 pipes.
Wind Indicator
Haskell's Patent Register Action

  Cost $1550

Built in 1904, this organ once graced the stage of Carnegie Hall (formerly the Lewisburg Female Institute)
in Lewisburg, West Virginia. In 1996, the organ was donated to Christ Church United Methodist, Charleston,
West Virginia.  Over the next year, extreme care was taken to rebuild the instrument returning it to
the 1904 tuning (A=435) and original tubular-pneumatic action (brass tubes.) 
The wind is now generated by an electric motor, but the original hand pumped
bellows are stored at the church. The instrument was installed in the chapel of
 Christ Church during the summer of 1997. Two dedication recitals were performed in October, 1997.


Estey Opus List
David Donathan
Chris Nagorka
