Patterson Memorial Methodist Church
Baltimore, MD
Opus 15

8 Open Diapason
8 Dulciana
4 Principal
   Sw to Gt 8-4

8 Stopped Diapason
8 Salicional
4 Harmonic Flute

16 Bourdon
     Gt to Ped 8
     Sw to Ped 8

Original cost - $920.71


Years ago I went into the Estey factory building in

Brattleboro after the company had gone out of business to see if I could learn when my organ

was built.  Although the plant had ben closed for some time, it appeared, except for the dust

on the workbenches,  as if the employees had left the day before and were coming back. 

Unfinished work in process, organ components, tools, gauges, templates, etc. were still as

they had been set down.  On an office floor there were hundreds of old records containing 

specifications, dates, and selling prices of organs built over the company's history

The pump handle was not there when I acquired the organ.  I removed the

feeder bellows and built a larger reservoir installed underneath where

the feeders had been.  The feeder's function had been replaced much

earlier by a Kinetic blower driven by a 110 volt, 1/3 hp motor. 

The original feeder bellows could be releathered and installed should

the owner wish to do a more nearly original restoration.  The key and

pipe valve pneumatics have all been releathered. 

Estey Opus List
Cost Card

George Shuppert
