Dr. John Sellwood Residence
Portland, OR
Opus 1429

Great (Enclosed w/Ch.)
8'  Open Diapason                           61
8'  Gross Flute                                61
8'  Gamba                                       61
8'  Gemshorn                                  61
4'  Wald Flute                                  61
8'  Trumpet                                      61
Swell (Enclosed) 
8'  Open Diapason                          61
8'  Stopped Diapason                      61
8'  Salicional                                  61
8'  Vox Celeste                      (tc)   49
8'  Viol d'Amour                              61
4'  Flute Traverse                            61
8'  Cornopean                                 61
8'  Oboe     [labial]                             61
8'  Vox Humana                              61
Choir (Enclosed w/Gt.)
8'  Viole d'Orchestra                        61
8'  Melodia                                     61
8'  Dulciana                                    61
4'  Flute d'Amour                            61
8'  Clarinet             [labial]                61
Pedal (Enclosed)
16' Bourdon                                  30
16' Lieblich Gedeckt                      30
8'  Traverse Flute                          30
Finger Pistons
Foot  Levers
Pedal Movements 
Swell Expression               balanced
Choir Expression               balanced
Crescendo                        balanced

Action: Electro-Pneumatic

Voices: 23

Stops: 23

Ranks:  23

Pipes 1,298
Current photos of pipes.
The organ was originally installed in the Portland, Oregon residence of Dr. John Sellwood.
Later Estey opus lists say the organ was "broken up."  However, this is incorrect.
The organ was purchased by the Guenther Organ Co. of Portland, OR. It was rebuilt retaining all the original pipes and chests,
and with a new drawknob console. It was sold to and installed in Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Astoria, OR. in 1936.
The Great, Choir, and Pedal 16' Bourdon and 8' Traverse Flute were installed in a large chamber to the left
of the chancel (when facing front), and the Swell and Pedal 16' Lieblich Gedeckt are in a chamber to the right.

The Guenther console was prepared for several additions: a 4' Octave and 2' Fifteenth on the Great; a typical unified,
stopped wooden flute at 16', 8', 4', 2-2/3', and 2' pitches; and an 8' Viol Celeste and 2' Piccolo on the Choir.
The Pedal has 2 extra drawknobs, but they are not pre-engraved like the manual division stops are.
None of these intended additions were ever installed.
In 1975, Trinity Lutheran Church merged with what had once been Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church to form
Peace Lutheran Church at a new edifice. Trinity's former building was purchased by Clatsop Community College,
 and was renovated as a Performing Arts Center with the lower level serving as offices, science labs, and practice rooms.
At the time of the buildings' purchase, the college entered into contract with Portland, OR. organ technician Michael Dillon
 to have the organ repaired, releathered, and brought into top condition. This work was never completed.
 In more recent years, the organ has been cared for by Mr. Leonard Vernon, Mr. Fred Efaw, and Mr. Michael Cole all of Astoria.
At present [2004] the organ sits silent, decaying, and unplayable. . .awaiting restoration - either for the college or for a new home.
Estey Opus List
Extant, rebuilt organ
James R. Stettner