German Lutheran Church
Seattle, WA
Opus 1028

8'  Gr. Open Diapason                61
8'  Gr. Melodia                           61
8'  Gr. Dulciana                          61
Swell (Enclosed)
8'  Sw. Stopped Diapason           61
8'  Sw. Salicional                       61
4'  Sw. Flute Harmonic                61
16'  Ped. Bourdon                       30
 Swell to Pedal                           [8]
Great to Pedal                            [8]
Swell to Great                            [8]
Swell to Great 8ves                     [4]
Pedal Movements
Swell Expression           balanced

Action: Tubular-Pneumatic key & stop
Voices:  7
Stops:  7
Ranks:  7

Pipes:  396
The organ was free-standing and encased with an attached, projecting keydesk. The facade contained __ pipes
which included the first 17 of the Great 8' Open Diapason.
The parish was a German Lutheran congrgation originally affiliated with the Iowa Synod. After various synod mergers,
it was affiliated with the American Lutheran Church, and ultimately with the ELCA.

The organ was purchased as a memorial, and a plaque at the console reads:

Psalm 95, 1-2
Chimes were added in 1943, again as a memorial, and the plaque at the console reads:

Given in Memory of
by Mrs. William J. May
December 25, 1943

The chimes were likely playable from their own separate keyboard since the Estey was still
 tubular-pneumatic when they were added.
Estey opus list
Extant, altered organ
James R. Stettner
The parish moved to a new facility in the Wallingford district in 1951, and the organ was electrified by Balcom and Vaughan. It was reinstalled entirely under expression and was provided with a new console. The cost of this work was $3,447.90.
Great (Enclosed)
8'  Open Diapason                     61
8'  Melodia                                61
8'  Dulciana                               61

Great to Great 16'                         
Great Unison Off 8'                        
Great to Great 4'                           
Swell (Enclosed)
8'  Stopped Flute                        61
8'  Salicional                              61
8'  Voix Celeste              (prep)   - -
4'  Flute Harmonic                     61
Swell to Swell 16'                          
Swell Unison Off 8'                        
Swell to Swell 4'                            
16'  Bourdon                              30
 Swell to Pedal                          8,4
 Great to Pedal                          8,4

 Swell to Great                      16,8,4
Finger Pistons
Sw. to Ped. Rev.            reversible
Gt. to Ped. Rev.             reversible
Sw. to Gt. Rev.               reversible

Pedal Movements
Expression                     balanced
Crescendo                      balanced

Action: Electro-Pneumatic primary
Voices:  7
Stops:  7
Ranks:  7

Pipes:  396

Since the electrification, quite a number of people have modified the organ. The Great 8' Melodia was removed as was the non-Haskelled part of the Great 8' Dulciana. A 2-2/3' Nasard was added on the original Dulciana chest, and a 2' Flautino was added on a 2-rank, D-E chest. A Tierce component was also present on the D-E chest but not wired-in. A "4' Ocatve" was placed on the original Melodia chest, but this is actually a 4' Harmonic Flute that has had its harmonic holes filled-in with plumber's putty. The Estey 8' Open Diapason has also partially been replaced with a used set from a Jardine tracker originally built for Shortridge Memorial Christian Church in Butte, MT. and later incorporated into the Antiphonal Division of the organ at Central Lutheran in Seattle.  The Haskelled bass of the Swell 8' Salicional is actually the original Great 8' Dulciana Haskelled bass.
In 1993 - while working for Balcom and Vaughan - all the pipes were removed and cleaned as a gift by Jim Stettner
with the help of several parishioners and piano technician Michael Gagnon. One complete set of external primary
pneumatics was replaced with a used set in better condition. And several individual chest pneumatics were releathered.
The wind pressure was raised closer to original and the organ regulated and tuned. This was done the night before a parish anniversary in which the Bishop would be in attendance.

Since then, the parish had been experiencing both leadership and dwindling membership difficulties. In 1997, Zion Lutheran was officially closed and the parish reorganized as Gift of Grace Lutheran.

At present [2004] the console cable been chopped and the console moved into a far corner.
The pipes sit silently in their chamber, and the parish is using a Hammond and a synthesizer.
Balcom and Vaughan opus list
Extant, altered organ
James R. Stettner