The E. Pow­er Big­gs Selec­tion Committee is pleased to announce this year’s class of Big­gs Fellows:

Lau­ra Agner
David Anderson 
Alexan­der Ashman 
Nathaniel Brown 
Trevor Carolan 
Roshan Chakane
Yun Choi
Evan Currie
Andrew Deierlein
Ian Esmonde 
Kait­lyn Fitzen
Richard Gress 
Grayson Gwilliam 
Emma Haupt
Bai­ley Hoffner
Qis­han Huang
Chris Kehoe
Andrew Koch
Jing Lan
Grace Lee
Heather Peel
Simon Pick
Dianne Rechel
Alyssa Santos
Alexan­dria Smith 
Luke Staisiunas
Luke Tegtmeier
Sean Vogt

The Fel­low­ship award includes all expens­es asso­ci­at­ed with attend­ing the 2018 Con­ven­tion in Rochester, New York, plus a two-year mem­ber­ship in the OHS. We are most grate­ful for the work of the Selec­tion Committee: Gre­go­ry Crow­ell, Scott Det­tra, Paul Fritts, Clara Gerdes, Christa Rakich, and chair Samuel Bak­er. Begin­ning next year, a new chair­per­son and committee will be named to assume the duties of select­ing future Big­gs Fellows.