Houston, TX
Christ Church Cathedral, Golding Chapel

Builder:		Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
  Year:			1938
  Opus:			3013
No. manuals:		2
No. stops:		18
No. ranks:		3
No. pipes:		207


All enclosed in one box.
	8'	Diapason		61
	8'	Gedeckt			61
	8'	Viola			49	(common bass)
	4'	Octave				(top octave repeats)
	4'	Viola			12
	2 2/3'	Nazard				(Gedeckt)
	2'	Fifteenth			(top octave repeats (Viola))
	8'	Gedeckt
	8'	Viola
	4'	Flute			12
	4'	Viola
	2 2/3'	Nazard				(Gedeckt)
	2'	Piccolo				(top octave repeats (Gedeckt))
	16'	Bourdon			12
	8'	Diapason
	8'	Gedeckt
	4'	Flute
	4'	Viola

Source:  Allen Kinzey

The stoplist on the cathedral website shows the same stoplist as above, but minus the Great 8' Gedeckt and the Swell 2' Piccolo.  Interestingly, the website also states "various revisions, additions and mechanical work by William Stephens, John Hendricksen and the companies of Aeolian-Skinner, Visser & Associates and Schoenstein."