Phoenixville, Pennsylvania

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1969
   Opus:        1517
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      41
No. ranks:      51
No. pipes:      2,712


                       GREAT                            POSITIV
                   16' Quintade           61         8' Gedeckt            61
                    8' Principal          61         4' Principal          61
                    8' Rohrflöte          61         4' Koppelflöte        61
                    4' Octave             61         2' Octave             61
                    4' Spitzflöte         61     1 1/3' Quinte             61
                    2' Flachflöte         61        IV  Scharf            244
                IV-VI  Mixture           301         8' Krummhorn          61
                    8' Trompete           61            Tremulant
                       Cymbelstern                      PEDAL
                                                    16' Principal          61
                       SWELL                        16' Subbass            61
                    8' Bourdon            61        16' Quintade           GT
                    8' Viole de Gambe     61        16' Bourdon            12 SW
                    8' Viole Celeste      61         8' Principal          12
                    4' Principal Conique  61         8' Gedeckt            12
                    4' Flute Harmonique   61         4' Octave             12
                    2' Flute Ouverte      61         4' Nachthorn          32
                   II  Cornet             98 tc      2' Nachthorn          12
                   IV  Plein Jeu         244       VII  Gross Kornett     192
                   16' Basson-Hautbois    12        IV  Mixture           128
                    8' Hautbois           61        16' Posaune            32
                    4' Schalmey           61        16' Basson-Hautbois    SW
                       Tremulant                     8' Trompete           12
                                                     4' Klarine            12

Source: Stop list from Steve Bournias with changes and corrections by Allen Kinzey according to shop notes.

Organ Historical Society Database: