Lincoln, Nebraska

First Presbyterian Church

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1966
   Opus:        1494
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      44
No. ranks:      48
No. pipes:      2,620
                GREAT ORGAN                              POSITIV ORGAN
            16' Quintade               61             8' Cor de Nuit            61
             8' Principal              61             8' Erzähler               SW
             8' Bourdon                61             8' Erzähler Celeste       SW
             4' Octave                 61             4' Spitzprincipal         61
             4' Blockflöte             61             4' Koppelflöte            61
             2' Super Octave           61             2' Flachflöte             61
         IV-VI  Fourniture            323         1 1/3' Quint                  61
                Chimes                             IV-V  Scharf                282
                                                      8' Krummhorn              61
                SWELL ORGAN                              Tremulant
            16' Rohrbass               61
             8' Rohrflöte              12                PEDAL ORGAN
             8' Viola Pomposa          61            32' Bourdon                32
             8' Viola Celeste          61            16' Principal              32
             8' Erzähler               61            16' Bourdon                12
             8' Erzähler Celeste (TC)  49            16' Rohrbass               SW
             4' Spitzflöte             61            16' Quintade               GT
             2' Octavin                61             8' Octave                 32
            II  Sesquialtera          110             8' Gedeckt                12
            IV  Plein Jeu             244             4' Choralbass             32
            16' Basson-Trompette       61             4' Nachthorn              32
             8' Trompette              12             2' Nachthorn              12
             4' Hautbois               61            IV  Mixture               128
                Tremulant                            16' Posaune                32
                                                     16' Basson-Trompette       SW
                                                      8' Trumpet                12
                                                      4' Clairon                SW

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: The organ was installed in the church's renovated sanctuary and is divided in the chancel area, the Swell on one side and the Pedal on the other. The Positiv and Great are functionally displayed on each side. The console is movable.

Organ Historical Society Database: