New Canaan, Connecticut

First Presbyterian Church

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:  1968
Install Year:   1970
Opus:           1492
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      51
No. ranks:      54
No. pipes:      3,021


           GREAT ORGAN                               SWELL ORGAN
       16' Quintade              61               8' Rohrflöte             61
        8' Principal             61               8' Viole de Gambe        61
        8' Holzbordun            61               8' Viole Celeste         61
        4' Octave                61               4' Prestant              61
        4' Spitzflöte            61               4' Spillflöte            61
        2' Superoctave           61               2' Waldflöte             61
       IV  Mixture              244              II  Sesquialtera (TC)     98
      III  Scharf               183           IV-VI  Plein Jeu            305
        8' Trompete              61              16' Hautbois (ext)        12
                                                  8' Trompette             61
           CHOIR ORGAN                            8' Hautbois              61
       16' Flute Conique         61               4' Rohrschalmei          61
        8' Gemshorn              61                  Tremulant
        8' Gedeckt               61
        8' Flute Conique (ext)   12                  PEDAL ORGAN
        8' Flute Celeste (TC)    49              32' Subbass (ext)         12
        4' Principal             61              16' Principal             32
        4' Zauberflöte           61              16' Bourdon               32
        2' Octavin               61              16' Quintade              GT
    1 1/3' Larigot               61              16' Flute Conique         CH
   III-IV  Mixture              214               8' Octave                32
        8' Krummhorn             61               8' Bourdon (ext)         12
           Tremulant                              8' Spitzflöte            32
       16' Trompette en Chamade  TC               4' Choralbass (ext)      12
        8' Trompette en Chamade  61               4' Spitzflöte (ext)      12
                                                  2' Spitzflöte (ext)      12
                                                 IV  Mixture              128
                                                 32' Cornet                14 *
                                                 16' Posaune               32
                                                 16' Hautbois              SW
                                                  8' Trumpet (ext)         12
                                                  4' Krummhorn             CH
                                                  *  all the rest from Bourdon unit

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: The organ is installed in one area to the left and rear of the contemporary church, with pipes of the Great and Pedal functionally displayed. The Trompette en Chamade is in the gospel side of the chancel with the resonators 20 degrees up from horizontal.

Organ Historical Society Database: