Alexandria, Louisiana

First Methodist Church

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1966
   Opus:        1489
No. manuals:    2
No. stops:      28
No. ranks:      30
No. pipes:      1,701
                GREAT ORGAN
             8' Principal             61
             8' Rohrflöte             61
             8' Gemshorn              61
             8' Erzähler II           SW
             4' Octave                61
             2' Blockflöte            61
            II  Sesquialtera (TC)     98
          IV-V  Mixture              281
                SWELL ORGAN
            16' Erzähler              12
             8' Viola                 68
             8' Viola Celeste         68
             8' Bourdon               61
             8' Erzähler Celeste II  124
             4' Spillflöte            61
             2' Octavin               61
        III-IV  Plein Jeu            232
             8' Trompette             61
             8' Krummhorn             61

                PEDAL ORGAN
            16' Kontra Bass           32
            16' Subbass               32
            16' Kontra Erzähler       SW
             8' Octave                12
             8' Bourdon               12
             8' Erzähler              SW
             4' Choral Bass           12
           III  Mixture               96
            16' Posaune (ext SW)      12
             4' Krummhorn             SW

Source: Stop list on file, with corrections by Allen Kinzey according to shop notes

Organ Historical Society Database: