St. Augustine, Florida

Trinity Episcopal Church

Trinity Episcopal Church (St. Augustine, FL)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1965
   Opus:        1482
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      44
No. ranks:      38
No. pipes:      2,392
                GREAT ORGAN                           SWELL ORGAN
             8' Principal             61          16' Erzähler              12
             8' Bourdon               61           8' Rohrflöte             61
             4' Octave                61           8' Viola Pomposa         61
             4' Zauberflöte           61           8' Viola Celeste         61
             2' Doublette             61           8' Erzähler              61
            IV  Fourniture           244           8' Erzähler Celeste (TC) 49
             8' Liturgical Trumpet    61 *         4' Prestant              61
                Chimes                             4' Flute Harmonique      61
                * in Nave                      2 2/3' Nasard (TC)           49
                                                   2' Blockflöte            61
                POSITIV ORGAN                  1 3/5' Tierce (TC)           49
             8' Holzgedeckt           61       III-V  Plein Jeu            263
             8' Erzähler Celeste II   SW          16' Contre Trompette      12
             4' Koppelflöte           61           8' Trompette             61
             4' Erzähler Celeste II   SW           4' Rohrschalmei          61
             2' Principal             61              Tremulant
         1 1/3' Larigot               61
           III  Cymbal               183              PEDAL ORGAN
                Tremulant                         32' Resultant             --
             8' Liturgical Trumpet    GT          16' Principal             32
                                                  16' Bourdon               12 GT
                                                  16' Erzähler              SW
                                                   8' Octave                12
                                                   8' Bourdon               GT
                                                   8' Erzähler              SW
                                                   4' Choralbass            32
                                                   4' Bourdon               GT
                                                  II  Rauschquinte          64
                                                  16' Contre Trompette      SW
                                                   8' Trompette             SW
                                                   4' Rohrschalmei          SW
                                                   8' Liturgical Trumpet    GT

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: According to the announcement and stop list in the November 1967 issue of The Diapason, the Great and Swell divisions are on one side of the chancel and the Positiv on the opposite side. The Nave division is at the far end of the church. John Tyrrell, chairman of the board of Aeolian-Skinner, drew up the specifications. Organist of the church was John Parkyn.

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