Kinston, North Carolina

First Presbyterian Church

First Presbyterian Church (Kinston, NC)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:  1965
Install Year:   1967
Opus:           1463
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      48
No. ranks:      45
No. pipes:      2,501
                GREAT ORGAN                             POSITIV ORGAN
            16' Gemshorn            61               8' Holzgedeckt         61
             8' Principal           61               4' Koppelfl�te         61
             8' Rohrbordun          61               2' Prinzipal           61
             8' Gemshorn            12           1 1/3' Quint               61
             4' Octave              61               1' Siffl�te            61
             2' Octavin             61             III  Cymbale            183
            IV  Fourniture         244                  Tremulant
             8' Hooded Trumpet      61                  Cymbelstern
                                                        PEDAL ORGAN
                SWELL I ORGAN                       32' Resultant           --
             8' Flute Ouverte       pf              16' Contra Bass         32
             8' Viola Pomposa       61              16' Subbass             32
             8' Viola Celeste       61              16' Gemshorn            GT
             4' Prestant            61              16' Gedecktbass         SW II
         III-V  Plein Jeu          257               8' Octave              32
            16' Hautbois            61               8' Gemshorn            GT
             8' Trompette           61               8' Gedeckt             SW II
             4' Rohrschalmei        61               4' Choralbass          32
                Tremulant                            4' Gedeckt             SW II
                                                   III  Mixture             96
                SWELL II ORGAN                      32' Contre Hautbois     12 SW I
            16' Gedecktbass         61              16' Posaune             32
             8' Gedeckt             12              16' Hautbois            SW I
             8' Flauto Dolce        61               8' Trumpet             12
             8' Flute Celeste (TC)  49               8' Krummhorn           SW II
             4' Spitzfl�te          61               4' Krummhorn           SW II
         2 2/3' Nasat               61               2' Krummhorn           SW II
             2' Nachthorn           61
         1 3/5' Terz                61
             8' Krummhorn           61

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: This is a gallery installation. Opus 5001 was installed in the old sanctuary in 1946 and became the chapel organ when the new sanctuary was completed with Opus 1463.

Organ Historical Society Database: