Kenilworth, Illinois

Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal

Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal (Kenilworth, IL)
Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 1455 (1964) in Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal (Kenilworth, IL)
Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 1455 (1964) in Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal (Kenilworth, IL)
Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal (Kenilworth, IL)
Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 1455 (1964) in Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal (Kenilworth, IL)
Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal (Kenilworth, IL)
Church of the Holy Comforter, Episcopal (Kenilworth, IL)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:        1964
   Opus:        1455
No. manuals:    2
No. stops:      30
No. ranks:      25
No. pipes:      1,485
                GREAT ORGAN (3" wind)
             8' Principal           61
             8' Bordun              61
             8' Spitzflöte          SW
             4' Octave              61
             4' Spindleflöte        61
             2' Blockflöte          61
            II  Sesquialtera       122
            II  Rauschquint        122
                Carillon                (present electronic)
                SWELL ORGAN (3" wind)
             8' Rohrflöte           61
             8' Viola da Gamba      61
             8' Viola Celeste       61
             8' Spitzflöte          61
             8' Flute Celeste (TC)  49
             4' Spitzprincipal      61
             4' Flute Harmonique    61
        III-IV  Plein Jeu          232
            16' Hautbois            61
             8' Trompette           61
             8' Hautbois            12
             4' Schalmei            61
                PEDAL ORGAN (3 3/4" wind)
            16' Contra Bass         32
            16' Bourdon             32
             8' Octave              12
             8' Bourdon             12
             8' Rohrflöte           SW
             4' Choral Bass         12
             4' Rohrflöte           SW
            16' Hautbois            SW
             8' Hautbois            SW
             4' Hautbois            SW

Source: Allen Kinzey

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