Knoxville, Tennessee

Church Street Methodist Church

Church Street United Methodist Church - Knoxville, TN
Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 1454 (1966) in Church Street United Methodist Church - Knoxville, TN
Church Street United Methodist Church - Knoxville, TN
Builder:         Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:   1964
Install Year:    1966
Opus:            1454

No. manuals: 3 No. stops: 52 No. ranks: 47 No. pipes: 2,643 GREAT ORGAN (2½" wind) SWELL ORGAN (4" wind) 16' Quintaton 61 16' Flute Conique 61 8' Principal 61 8' Viola Pomposa 61 8' Bourdon 61 8' Viola Celeste 61 4' Octave 61 8' Rohrflöte 61 4' Koppelflöte 61 8' Flute Conique 12 2' Super Octave 61 4' Prestant 61 IV Fourniture 244 4' Flute Harmonique 61 8' Trompette Harmonique 61 a 2' Lieblich Prinzipal 61 4' Trompette Harmonique 12 a III-IV Plein Jeu 226 Chimes (existing) 25 tubes 16' Fagotto (L/2) 61 Bells 8' Trompette 61 8' Fagotto 12 CHOIR ORGAN (4" wind) 4' Rohrschalmei 61 8' Geigenprinzipal 61 Tremulant 8' Pommer Gedeckt 61 8' Erzähler 61 PEDAL ORGAN (5" wind) 8' Kleinerzähler (TC) 49 32' Sub Bass 12 b 4' Spitzflöte 61 16' Contra Bass 32 c 2 2/3' Rohrnasat 61 16' Sub Bass 32 c 2' Blockflöte 61 16' Quintaton GT 1 3/5' Tierce 61 16' Flute Conique SW III Cymbel 183 8' Octave 32 8' Cromorne 61 8' Gedeckt 32 c Tremulant 8' Spitzflöte 32 c 8' Trompette Harmonique GT a 4' Choralbass 32 4' Trompette Harmonique GT a 4' Gedeckt 12 c III Mixture 96 32' Contre Bombarde 12 d 16' Bombarde 32 16' Fagotto SW a #2 French, hooded, 15" wind, 8' Trompette 12 not affected by couplers 8' Cromorne CH b old open wood w/ stoppers added 4' Clairon 12 c old pipes revoiced on job 4' Cromorne CH d half-length, 8" wind Chimes GT

Source: Shop notes provided by Allen Kinzey

Notes: The church plant was built in the 1920s, at which time a 4-manual Pilcher (which was originally destined for First Methodist Church, West Palm Beach, Fla., but rerouted to Knoxville when the West Palm Beach church experienced Depression-related financial problems) was installed in the tall Gothic nave. The chamber is actually a deep former Sunday School room off the chancel on the second level. The Aeolian-Skinner was installed in 1966 and rebuilt and enlarged to 59 ranks by Randall Dyer in 1984. During the period from 2000-2006, the organ was enlarged to 86 ranks by Randall Dyer with a new four-manual console. The sound of the organ suffers some because of the deep chamber and the unsympathetic acoustics - but what does get out sounds quite nice.

Photo Source: Jeff Scofield

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