San Anselmo, California

First Presbyterian Church

Builder:         Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:   1963
Inaugurated:     1966
Opus:            1443

No. manuals: 3 No. stops: 43 No. ranks: 41 No. pipes: 2,353


                 GREAT (enclosed)                             SWELL
             16' Erzähler            68                    8' Viola Pomposa       68
              8' Prinzipal           61 (a)                8' Viola Celeste       68
              8' Gedecktflöte        68                    8' Flûte à Cheminée    68
              8' Erzähler            12                    4' Spitzgeigen         68
              8' Kleinerzähler       56 tc                 4' Koppelflöte         68
              4' Oktave              61 (a)                2' Blockflöte          61
              4' Quintade            68                  III  Plein Jeu          183
              2' Lieblichprinzipal   61                   16' Cromorne            68    
             II  Sesquialtera       122                    8' Trompette           68
             IV  Mixture            244 (a)                4' Hautbois Clairon    68
              8' Bassoon             68                       Tremulant
                 Tremulant                                    Swell 16'
                 Enc. Great 16'                               Unison Off
                 Enc. Unison Off                              Swell 4'
                 Enc. Great 4'
                 POSITIV                                  16' Principal           32
              8' Holzbordun          61                   16' Bourdon             32
              8' Erzähler            GT                   16' Erzähler            GT
              8' Kleinerzähler       GT                    8' Octave              12
              4' Gemshorn            61                    8' Bourdon             12
              2' Prinzipal           61                    4' Choralbass          32
          1 1/3' Rohrnasat           61                    4' Bourdon             12
            III  Scharf             183                  III  Mixture             96
                 Unison Off                               16' Posaune             32
                                                          16' Cromorne            SW
                                                           8' Posaune             12
             (a) unenclosed                                8' Cromorne            SW
                                                           4' Posaune             12
                                                           4' Cromorne            SW             

Source: Allen Kinzey

The organ is installed in the gallery of the contemporary building, with the Positiv in the Ruckpositiv position on the rail behind the organist. An 8' Herald Trumpet was later added to the Positiv, as was a 2 2/3' Nazard to the Swell.

Organ Historical Society Database: