Tulsa, Oklahoma

First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church - Tulsa, OK
Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 1441 (1965) in First Baptist Church - Tulsa, OK
First Baptist Church - Tulsa, OK
First Baptist Church - Tulsa, OK
Aeolian-Skinner organ, Op. 1441 (1965) in First Baptist Church - Tulsa, OK
First Baptist Church - Tulsa, OK
Builder:         Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:   1962
Dedicated:       1965
Opus:            1441

No. manuals: 4 No. stops: 56 No. ranks: 54 No. pipes: 3,256 GREAT ORGAN SWELL ORGAN 16' Gemshorn 61 16' Rohrgedeckt 68 8' Principal 61 8' Viola Pomposa 68 8' Holzgedeckt 61 8' Viola Celeste 68 8' Gemshorn 12 8' Rohrflöte 12 4' Octave 61 8' Flute Celeste II 124 4' Rohrflöte 61 4' Principal 68 2' Fifteenth 61 2 2/3' Nasard 61 IV-VI Fourniture 294 2' Blockflöte 61 IV Scharf 244 1 3/5' Tierce 61 Chimes IV Plein Jeu 244 8' Trompette Harmonique pf 16' Hautbois 68 4' Clairon Harmonique pf 8' Trompette 68 8' Hautbois 12 CHOIR ORGAN 8' Vox Humana pf 8' Geigen Principal 68 4' Clairon 68 8' Cor de Nuit 68 Tremulant 8' Erzähler 68 8' Erzähler Celeste (TC) 56 PEDAL ORGAN 4' Fugara 68 32' Untersatz -- 4' Koppelflöte 68 16' Contra Bass 32 2' Octavin 61 16' Bourdon 32 1 1/3' Nasat 61 16' Gemshorn GT 1' Sifflöte 61 16' Rohrgedeckt SW III Cymbal pf 8' Octave 32 8' Cromorne 68 8' Gemshorn GT 4' Rohr Schalmei pf 8' Rohrflöte SW Tremulant 4' Choralbass 32 Zimbelstern 4' Rohrflöte SW III Mixture pf ANTIPHONAL ORGAN 32' Contre Bombarde pf 8' Concert Flute 73 16' Bombarde 32 8' Gamba 73 16' Hautbois SW 8' Gamba Celeste 73 8' Trompette 12 4' Octave 73 8' Cromorne CH 2' Flute 61 4' Clairon 12 8' English Horn 73 4' Cromorne CH Tremulant 16' Antiphonal Bourdon 32 8' Trompette Harmonique GT pf 4' Clairon Harmonique GT pf

Source: Allen Kinzey

Photos 1-4 Source: Jeff Scofield

Photos 5-6 Source: Bruce Wilkin

Notes: This organ replaced Skinner Op. 631, which was installed in 1927. The present Antiphonal division is made up of ranks retained from Op. 631.

Op. 1441 was completed just in time to be used for the 1965 AGO Regional Convention, at which time regional competition winner, Diane Bish, presented a program.

The sanctuary was renovated extensively in the style of the 1960s in time for installation of the new organ, at which time the chancel was completely redone. The organ is installed across the front of the chancel. The sanctuary is quite large, seating around 1,800 with a wrap-around balcony, and also quite dead. The organ sounds wonderful at the console, but dies when you walk more than 38 inches away. At the time of my visit in 1985, the church had more than 2,500 members. It is located nearly next door to Trinity Episcopal Church (the late Thomas Matthews' church and home of one of the finest Möllers ever built).

The sanctuary and organ were renovated c.2009 – the acoustic has been improved considerably and the organ now is able to fulfill its potential. The 1970s changes to the organ were considerably improved at this time; the 32' half-length reed installed at that time time was replaced by a full-length bottom octave by Broome & Co.,as well as two other Walker 32's; a new III Cymbal at lower pitch was installed in the Choir; the EMS English Horn was moved from the Echo to the Choir, where it replaced the Oboe Schalmei.

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=35766