Dallas, Texas

Southern Methodist University – Caruth Auditorium

Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 1438 (1962) in Caruth Auditorium, Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX)
Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 1438 (1962) in Caruth Auditorium, Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX)
Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 1438 (1962) in Caruth Auditorium, Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX)
Builder:         Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:   1962
Install Year:    1965
Opus:            1438

No. manuals: 3 No. stops: 51 No. ranks: 61 No. pipes: 3,541 GREAT ORGAN (2 3/4" wind) SWELL ORGAN (3 1/4" wind) 16' Quintaten 61 16' Contre Viole 68 8' Principal 61 8' Rohrflöte 68 8' Gedeckt 61 8' Viole de Gambe 12 8' Gemshorn 61 8' Viole Celeste 68 4' Octave 61 8' Flute Celeste II 124 4' Rohrflöte 61 4' Principal 68 2' Flachflöte 61 4' Nachthorn 68 IV-VI Mixture 305 2' Octavin 61 8' Trompete (3") 61 III-IV Plein Jeu 226 Blank III Cymbale 183 16' Bombarde 68 POSITIV ORGAN (2 1/2" wind) 8' Trompette 68 8' Principal 61 8' Hautbois 68 8' Holzgedeckt 61 4' Clairon 68 4' Principal 61 Tremulant 4' Spillflöte 61 Blank 2 2/3' Nasard 61 2' Octave 61 PEDAL ORGAN 1 3/5' Tierce 61 32' Grand Bourdon -- (a) 1' Sifflöte 61 16' Principal 32 IV Scharf 244 16' Subbass 32 8' Krummhorn 61 16' Quintaten GT Tremulant 16' Contre Viole SW Blank 10 2/3' Grossquinte 32 8' Octave 32 8' Gedeckt 32 8' Quintaten GT 8' Viole de Gambe SW 4' Choralbass 32 4' Koppelflöte 32 2' Blockflöte 32 IV Mixture 128 32' Contre Bombarde 12 (b) 16' Posaune 32 16' Bombarde SW 8' Trompette 32 4' Rohrschalmei 32 Tremulant (a) electronic (b) 3 3/4" wind

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: The organ was installed across the back of the auditorium stage at an elevated level. The teak and ebony console was movable. In 1991, the organ was moved by Mac Range to St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Dallas. In 1993, Fisk Op. 101 was installed in Caruth Auditorium.

Photos 2 & 3 Source: Jeff Scofield

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=35759