Worcester, Massachusetts

First Unitarian Church

Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 1433 (1964) in First Unitarian Church (Worcester, MA)
Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 1433 (1964) in First Unitarian Church (Worcester, MA)
Aeolian-Skinner Organ, Op. 1433 (1964) in First Unitarian Church (Worcester, MA)
Builder:         Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:   1962
Install Year:    1964 
Opus:            1433

No. manuals: 4 No. stops: 71 No. ranks: 61 No. pipes: 3,453


            GREAT ORGAN (II)                       SWELL ORGAN (III)
        16' Gemshorn           61              16' Rohrbass           61
         8' Principal          61               8' Principal          61
         8' Bourdon            61               8' Rohrflöte          61
         8' Gemshorn           12               8' Spitzviol          61
         4' Octave             61               8' Viol Celeste       61
         4' Flute Harmonique   61               8' Flauto Dolce       61
         2' Fifteenth          61               8' Flute Celeste      49 tc
        IV  Fourniture        244               4' Prestant           61
       III  Cymbel            183               4' Flute Ouverte      61
         8' Major Trumpet      PO               2' Octavin            61
         4' Major Clarion      PO              IV  Plein Jeu         244
                                               16' Fagott             61
            CHOIR ORGAN (I)                     8' Trompette          61
         8' Cor de Nuit        61               8' Fagott             12
         8' Viola Pomposa      61               8' Voix Humaine       61
         8' Viola Celeste      61               4' Clairon            61
         4' Spitzflöte         61                  Tremulant
     2 2/3' Rohr Nasat         61
         2' Blockflöte         61                  PEDAL ORGAN
     1 3/5' Tierce             61              32' Resultant          --
       III  Mixtur            183              32' Bourdon            10 (a)
         8' Cromorne           61              16' Principal          32
         4' Rohrschalmei       61              16' Bourdon            32
            Tremulant                          16' Rohrbass           SW
                                               16' Gemshorn           GT
            POSITIV ORGAN (IV)                  8' Octave             32
         8' Pommergedeckt      56               8' Bourdon            12
         4' Geigen Principal   56               8' Rohrflöte          SW
         4' Koppelflöte        56               8' Gemshorn           GT
         2' Hellflöte          56           5 1/3' Quint              32
     1 1/3' Larigot            56               4' Choralbass         32
       III  Zimbel            183               4' Rohrflöte          SW
            Tremulant                           4' Gemshorn           GT
         8' Major Trumpet      61 (b)           2' Gemshorn           GT
         4' Major Clarion      12 (b)         III  Mixtur             96
                                               32' Kontrafagott       12
                                               16' Bombarde           32
                                               16' Fagott             SW
                                                8' Trompette          12
                                                8' Cromorne           CH
                                                8' Fagott             SW
                                                4' Clairon            12
        (a) lowest two notes resultant          4' Fagott             SW
        (b) enclosed with Choir                 2' Cromorne           CH

Photo #3 Source: Jonathan Bowen.

Notes: First Unitarian of Worcester was founded in 1785. The present meeting house was dedicated in 1851 and a large 2m E & G G Hook, Op 184, was installed in 1855. It was replaced in 1901 by a Steere III/38, which was, in turn, replaced by Casavant Op. 936, a 4-manual. The building was virtually destroyed in the New England Hurricane of September 1938 when the steeple crashed through the roof, smashing the crossbeams and demolishing the center structure. Luckily, the organ escaped serious harm. It was replaced in 1964 by the Aeolian-Skinner.

External Link: Current Organ Status 

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=35752