Honolulu, Hawaii

Cathedral Church of St. Andrew, Episcopal

St. Andrew's Episcopal Cathedral (Honolulu, HI)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:  1957
Install Year:   1960
Opus:           1358
No. manuals:    4
No. stops:      69
No. ranks:      72
No. pipes:      4,174
                GREAT ORGAN (II)                        SWELL ORGAN (III)
            16' Violone               61            16' Lieblich Gedeckt      68
             8' Principal             61             8' Geigen Principal      68
             8' Bourdon               61             8' Viole de Gambe        68
             8' Spitzflöte            61             8' Viole Celeste         68
             4' Octave                61             8' Rohrflöte             12
             4' Rohrflöte             61             8' Flute Celeste II     124
         2 2/3' Twelfth               61             4' Prestant              68
             2' Fifteenth             61             4' Flute Harmonique      68
            IV  Fourniture           244             2' Octavin               61
           III  Scharf               183            II  Sesquialtera         122
             8' Trompette Harmonique  PO            IV  Plein Jeu            244
             4' Clairon Harmonique    PO           III  Acuta                183
                                                    16' Fagotto               68
                CHOIR ORGAN (I)                      8' Trompette             68
            16' Quintade              68             8' Fagotto               12
             8' Flute Ouverte         68             4' Clairon               68
             8' Viola Pomposa         68                Tremulant
             8' Viola Celeste         68
             8' Dolcan                68                PEDAL ORGAN
             8' Dolcan Celeste (TC)   56            32' Resultant             --
             4' Fugara                68            16' Contre Basse          32
             2' Blockflöte            61            16' Bourdon               32
             8' Cromorne              68            16' Violone               GT
             4' Rohrschalmei          68            16' Quintaton             CH
                Tremulant                           16' Lieblich Gedeckt      SW
                                                     8' Octave                32
                POSITIV ORGAN (IV)                   8' Violone               GT
             8' Nasonflöte            61             8' Rohrflöte             SW
             4' Koppelflöte           61         5 1/3' Quint                 32
             2' Oktav                 61             4' Choralbass            32
         1 1/3' Nasat                 61             4' Gedeckt               SW
             1' Sifflöte              61            IV  Fourniture           128
           III  Zimbel               183            32' Contra Fagotto        12 SW
             8' Trompette Harmonique  61            16' Posaune               32
             4' Clairon Harmonique    12            16' Fagotto               SW
                                                     8' Trumpet               12
                ANTIPHONAL ORGAN (IV)                8' Cromorne              CH
             8' Pommergedackt         61             4' Clarion               12
             4' Montre                61             4' Cromorne              CH
         III-V  Plein Jeu            257

Source: Allen Kinzey

Notes: One of the oldest cathedrals in the United States, the cornerstone of the French gothic nave was laid by King Kamehameha V in 1867. The first service in the choir and a small part of the nave were held on Christmas Day 1886. By 1902 more of the nave had been built and that part was consecrated in 1902, in which year the Anglican Church of Hawaii officially became part of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States. Two more bays of the nave were completed by 1908.  The totally completed nave was finally consecrated on September 21, 1958.
The first organ was Opus 521 from Walker of England, a II/13 installed in 1863. The second organ was built by George Stevens & Co. of East Cambridge MA and had 19 ranks; it was installed in 1881. Number three was a Hillgreen, Lane organ dedicated Easter Day 1914. This served until the Aeolian-Skinner installation began in November 1960. 6 ranks have been added since that time. In 1994 a large new four-manual console by Roger Colby was installed and, from 1995-1996, 54 digitally sampled ranks were added by Walker.

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=24421