Bloomington, Illinois

Second Presbyterian Church

Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:  1956
Install Year:   1959
   Opus:        1325
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      27
No. ranks:      23
No. pipes:      1,451
                GREAT ORGAN                         CHOIR ORGAN
            16' Quintaton         61             8' Gamba             pf
             8' Principal         61             8' Quintflöte        68
             8' Gedeckt           61             8' Dulciana          68
             4' Octave            61             8' Unda Maris        pf
             4' Rohrflöte         pf             4' Koppelflöte       68
         2 2/3' Twelfth           61         2 2/3' Nasat             pf
             2' Fifteenth         61             2' Blockflöte        61
            IV  Fourniture        pf         1 3/5' Terz              pf
                Chimes                           8' Cromorne          pf
                SWELL ORGAN
             8' Rohrbordun        68                PEDAL ORGAN
             8' Viola Pomposa     68            16' Contre Basse      pf
             8' Viola Celeste     68            16' Bourdon           32
             4' Geigen Principal  pf            16' Quintaton         GT
             4' Flauto Traverso   68            16' Dulciana (ext CH) pf
            IV  Plein Jeu        244             8' Octave            32
            16' Fagot             68             8' Bourdon           12
             8' Trompette         pf             8' Quintaton         GT
             8' Fagot             12             4' Choralbass        12
             4' Hautbois          68            16' Bombarde          pf
                Tremulant                       16' Fagot             SW
                                                 8' Trompette         pf
                                                 8' Fagot             SW
                                                    Chimes            GT

Notes: The organ was removed in 2004 and offered for sale.  The sanctuary was to be razed and replaced onsite by a new sanctuary, which will have a new Buzard organ.

Organ Historical Society Database: