Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

St. Paul's Cathedral, Roman Catholic

Builder:         Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
   Year:         Contract Cancelled
   Opus:         1318

No. manuals: 4 No. stops: 65 No. ranks: 73 No. pipes: 4,146


                    GREAT                                SWELL
                16' Spitzprinzipal        61         16' Rohrbordun            68
                 8' Principal             61          8' Geigenprinzipal       68
                 8' Waldflöte             61          8' Flute                 68
                 8' Dulciana              61          8' Gedackt               68
                 4' Principal             61          8' Viole de Gambe        68
                 4' Rohrflöte             61          8' Viole Celeste         56 tc
             2 2/3' Quint                 61          8' Aeoline               68
                 2' Super Octave          61          4' Prestant              68
             IV-VI  Mixture              290          4' Flauto Traverso       68
               III  Scharff              183          2' Octavin               61
                 8' Trompette-en-Chamade  BO      III-V  Cornet               262
                 4' Clairon-en-Chamade    BO         16' Fagott                68
                                                      8' Trompette             68
                    POSITIV                           8' Oboe                  68
                 8' Quintadena            61          8' Vox Humana            68
                 8' Bourdon               61          4' Clairon               68
                 4' Principal             61
                 4' Koppelflöte           61             PEDAL
             2 2/3' Nasat                 61         32' Resultant             --
                 2' Italian Principal     61         16' Principal             32
             1 3/5' Terz                  61         16' Spitzprinzipal        GT
             1 1/3' Larigot               61         16' Bourdon               32
             IV-VI  Zimbel               290         16' Rohrbordun            SW
                16' Krummhorn             61          8' Principal             32
                 8' Rohrschalmei          61          8' Flute Conique         32
                                                      8' Rohrbordun            SW
                    BOMBARDE (enclosed)               4' Principal             32
                VI  Grande Fourniture    366          4' Flute Conique         12
                16' Bombarde              61          2' Blockflöte            32
                 8' Trompette Harmonique  61         IV  Mixture              128
                 4' Clairon               61         32' Fagott                12 SW
                        (unenclosed)                 16' Posaune               32
                 8' Trompette-en-Chamade  61         16' Fagott                SW
                 4' Clairon-en-Chamade    12         16' Krummhorn             PO
                                                      8' Trumpet               12
                                                      8' Krummhorn             PO
                                                      4' Clarion               12
                                                      4' Krummhorn             PO  


Source: The Diapason, January 1956

The article in The Diapason says that the design of the organ was drawn up by Paul Koch (then organist-choirmaster of the cathedral) in consultation with G. Donald Harrison.

The contract was eventually cancelled and a 4/97 von Beckerath was installed in 1962. Donald K. Fellows, currently (2004) organist and choirmaster of the cathedral, supplies the following information about the cancellation of the Aeolian-Skinner contract:

"The earlier correspondence that we have is from October of 1956 – letters between Paul Koch, Joseph Whiteford and Rev. Andrew Pauley (then Cathedral Rector).

"Yes, indeed, the cathedral signed a contract with Aeolian-Skinner in November of 1955 with an estimated completion date of August 1957. The organ was to be completed in time for the cathedral's 50th anniversary. Delays and cost overages prevented that from happening. Additionally, Paul Koch stipulated that he wanted the organ to be designed and voiced by G. Donald Harrison, who died shortly after the contract was signed. Considerable correspondence occurred, with the result of the contract being terminated and some monies returned to the Cathedral. A letter from Whiteford in July of 1957 gives a pretty clear summary of the timeline on all of this as well as some explanation of the escalator.

"It was only after the cancellation of the Aeolian-Skinner contract that Paul Koch pursued Rudolf."

The above information was provided by Donald K. Fellows via Allen Kinzey.

Organ Historical Society Database: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/OrganDetails.php?OrganID=35595