New York, NY
Church of the Incarnation

Builder:		Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
  Year:			1956
  Opus:			1289
No. manuals:		3
No. stops:		44
No. ranks:		49
No. pipes:		3,042


	16' 	Montre 			61
	8' 	Diapason 		61
	8' 	Spitzprincipal 		61
	8' 	Flute Harmonique 	61
	4' 	Principal 		61
	2 2/3' 	Quint 			61
	2' 	Fifteenth 		61
	III	Mixture	 		183
	IV	Mixture			244	(added in 1957 as Op.1289-A)
	16' 	Lieblich Gedeckt 	68
	8' 	Diapason 		68
	8' 	Gedeckt 		12
	8' 	Viole de Gambe 		68
	8' 	Viole Celeste 		68
	4' 	Octave 			68
	4' 	Flute 			68
	2' 	Flageolet 		68
	II	Sesquialtera		108	GG	(Op. 1289-A)
	III	Mixture 		183
	IV	Mixture			244	(Op.1289-A)
	16' 	Fagot 			68
	8' 	Trompette 		68
	8' 	Vox Humana 		68
	4' 	Clairon 		68
	16' 	Dulciana 		68
	8' 	Nason Flute 		68
	8' 	Dulciana 		12
	8' 	Erzahler 		68
	8' 	Erzahler Celeste 	56	tc
	4' 	Fugara 			68
	4' 	Flute d'Amour 		68
	2' 	Blockflote 		61
	1 3/5' 	Tierce 			61
	III	Mixture			183	(Op. 1289-A)
	8' 	Clarinet 		68
	32'	Bourdon			12	(Op. 1289-A)
	16' 	Montre 			GT
	16' 	Bourdon 		32
	16' 	Lieblich Gedeckt 	SW
	16' 	Dulciana 		CH
	8' 	Octave 			12
	8' 	Flute 			12
	4' 	Choralbass 		12
	16' 	Posaune 		32
		Chimes 			GT

Some ranks of the 1902 Hutchings-Votey organ were retained.  Tonal changes, including 9 new ranks, were made in 1957 as Op. 1289-A.

Photos 3 -5 by Phil Draper of Churchcrawler.