Brownsville, Texas

Church of the Advent, Episcopal

Church of the Advent, Episcopal (Brownsville, TX)
Builder:        Aeolian-Skinner Organ Co., Inc.
Contract Year:  1954
Install Year:   1958
   Opus:        1288
No. manuals:    3
No. stops:      27
No. ranks:      23
No. pipes:      2,541
                GREAT ORGAN                            SWELL ORGAN
             8' Principal           61              8' Rohrflöte           68
             8' Spitzflöte          61              8' Viole de Gambe      68
             8' Bourdon             61              8' Viole Celeste       68
             4' Principal           61              4' Flute Harmonique    68
            II  Grave Mixture      122            III  Plein Jeu          183
                Chimes                             16' Fagotto             68
                                                    8' Trompette           68
                CHOIR ORGAN                         4' Fagotto             68
             8' Viola               68                 Tremulant
             8' Cor de Nuit         68
             8' Dulciana            68                 PEDAL ORGAN
             4' Koppelflöte         68             16' Contrebasse         32
             2' Blockflöte          61             16' Rohrbass            12 SW
             8' Clarinet            68              8' Principal           12
                Tremulant                           8' Flute               SW
                                                    4' Choralbass          12
                                                   16' Fagotto             SW
                                                    8' Fagotto             SW
                                                    4' Fagotto             SW

Source: Allen Kinzey

Photo: D. Keith Morgan

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